Just when you thought it was safe to close the book on your collection of Tupac Shakur tapes, CD's, cassettes and bootlegs; here comes another Tupac Shakur alb... Read More...
For those people who remember the first Rawkus attempted at a Lyricist Lounge album, they know an ambitious double album deep with cuts that varied widely in q... Read More...
If you are new to the phenomenon of the Wu-Tang Clan, you might wonder how a group that only put out three albums in eight years survived in the fickle rap wor... Read More...
D-E-L, he rips microphones. Actually, he's been ripping them for quite a while now; he's been on record since "I Wish My Brother George" came out in 1991 on El... Read More...
The 2000 has been a good year for the Rhymesayers crew. Finally they've put some wax out, as well as launching a fairly extensive tour and entirely redoing the... Read More...
Main Entry: obe·lisk Pronunciation: 'ä-b&-"lisk also 'O- Function: noun Etymology: Middle French obelisque, from Latin obeliscus, from Greek obeliskos, fr... Read More...