If you crossed Bone-Thugs, Scarface, and the Chi-Town sound, what would the result be? Well, you can't exactly give this group much credit for originality, but ... Read More...
"One thing I'm not is a West coast disserAnother thing I'm not is a damn ass-kisser" ---> Kamaal (Q-Tip)
What do you expect? 1nce Again, A Tribe Called Ques... Read More...
When the East is in the house, _Danger_! That single combination got Blahzay what seemed at first to be an undue amount of attention. I thought that "Danger" h... Read More...
This soundtrack and the movie might on equal par this time; no more of this shit where the soundtrack is hella better than the lame ass movie. This soundtrack i... Read More...
EDITOR'S NOTE: This isn't our official review and is archived here for historical purposes only. For that reason no scores have been included.
Is Nas the May...