Instrumental hip-hop has come a long way. The disc jockey's influence as the one who started it all was long felt, but eventually, with the widespread availabil... Read More...
Webster's dictionary defines the word "appetizer" as 'a food or drink that stimulates the appetite and is usually served before a meal. Something that stimulate... Read More...
This review holds true to the maxim "we welcome any feedback" that appears on the RapReviews home page, because "14 Shots to the Dome" is a direct suggestion fr... Read More...
More shocking to me than the short length of this EP (13 minutes) is the long time since we reviewed a CunninLynguists album. I don't know who was slacking on t... Read More...
I had to go through and reorganize the database just to be sure (and it's still possible I missed one or two) but judging by the count this is the THIRTY-FIFTH ... Read More...
Here we have an interesting situation on multiple fronts. The first item on the agenda is that I somehow wound up with a promo copy of Red Pill & Ill Poetic... Read More...