Credibility can be a grey area when talking about emcees. There aren't many artists that can hold their own in a rap battle with Dizaster, tour with Immortal T... Read More...
Rap records are often very typical of their time (and anything but 'timeless'). It's hard to imagine Down South's "Lost in Brooklyn" being released after 1994.... Read More...
The revival of cassettes is just another trend that is making me feel like an old man. I listened to music exclusively on cassettes until I was sixteen. I stil... Read More...
Prozak is the Hitchcock of Hip-Hop - it's both his catchphrase and his rap mentality. Another good description would be "gothic emcee." He doesn't fit neatly i... Read More...
RR recently delved into the world of Hey WTF Records with Lawnmowher's "novembre amour" album. They're a relatively new crew on the scene, but this Boston-base... Read More...
Slaughterhouse may well be a fully developed four-headed monster that are known for their lyricism, but they are still failing to fulfil their potential. "Welc... Read More...