Punchline has been around for a while, dropping tracks since the late 90s with his partner-in-rhyme Wordsworth (one of my favourite MCs). They mostly did battle... Read More...
Hopefully this won't come across as arrogant - actually, I couldn't care less - but I know next to nothing about Red Pill or Hir-O. Here's what managed to get ... Read More...
The Outsiders is the latest project of Fadacy Music, the label that has been releasing Christian club rap for a several years. According to their website, "Ins... Read More...
Quanstar is an Atlanta-based rapper whose resume includes ten albums, a documentary,a book, a cooking show he does with his kids (razingdough.blogspot.com), an... Read More...
There's a draft of a review intro in my files that I know is past its due date. It's basically me asking the readership if they remember albums such as The Not... Read More...
The artwork for "The Evolution of Man" reminds me of early Oasis albums like "Definitely Maybe" and "(What's the Story) Morning Glory?" Like Britain's most popu... Read More...