If Aaron Yates wasn't constantly busy, I don't think he'd know what to do with himself. He's a relentlessly increasing ball of energy, and the only way to siph... Read More...
February 28, 2012 was a significant day in the life of Jeffrey Atkins. Not only was it the onetime chart-topper's 36th birthday, it was also the release date o... Read More...
Let me just say straight up that Perfect Strangers is one of my favorite sitcoms of all time. I suppose it doesn't hurt that I grew up as a child of the 1980's,... Read More...
As someone who is not very religious, I rarely find myself venturing into the realm of Christian hip-hop. I have no problem with the message that artists are t... Read More...
Jonwayne is a Los Angeles-based rapper and producer who has been part of that city's Low End Theory for a while. He released his first beat tape, "Bowser," las... Read More...
From the name you might think Iron Solomon was a member of the Wu-Tang Clan's extended fam; and in his bio Solomon does mention them as one of his artistic ins... Read More...