This might be the most helpful cover art to come along in a year or more - it instantly identifies who every single member of the Pseudo Intellectuals is witho... Read More...
Chicago's Jamal Science is the type of rapper you can feel okay about playing in hearing range of your kids. His "Something Wonderful EP," unveiled as a free d... Read More...
I miss the days the good ol' days when Tommy Boy wasn't so pretentious and uptight. Coolio, De La Soul, House of Pain, Naughty by Nature, Queen Latifah and Ste... Read More...
Actor Donald Glover raps as Childish Gambino, a moniker tellingly spawned through a Wu-Tang name generator. Given his stage name and role on NBC's "Community," ... Read More...
After last week's Hasan Salaam interview by Adam Bernard, I was intrigued enough to delve more deeply into the New Jerseyite's rap career. While "Music Is My W... Read More...
UrbanDictionary.comdefines 'to hustle' as to make money however one can, often in an illegal way. During a recession, though, the shady connotation assigned to... Read More...