Cymarshall Law is from New Jersey by way of the U.K. The rapper has been attacking microphones for the last decade. He's been honing his craft perfroming on t... Read More...
The following disclaimer needs to be given before continuing - this is NOT the full length "Mega Ran 10" that will be coming out on November 11th, 2011 (yes th... Read More...
Gescha certainly doesn't fit the profile of an average emcee. I'm no expert when it comes to Canadian hip-hop, but the Saskatoon, Saskatchewan native's fair sk... Read More...
As both a rap critic and a long-time Todd Shaw advocate, "Still Blowin'" was difficult to listen to. Even though it would not be the first time in his long and... Read More...
Greatest hits and rap music don't mix well. Rap fans tend to fall in extremes between hardcore fans and casual fans. One group already owns every single song a... Read More...
Ragga is reggae's rougher, electronic cousin, much like hip-hop's relationship with R&B. It's typified by synthesized beats and lyrics that often stress se... Read More...