I've got some bad news for you -- "Israeli Salad" by The Alchemist is long out of print. It was only distributed on vinyl through his own imprint, ALC Records,... Read More...
Since the dawn of hip-hop - well, almost - the British market was briefed with the latest American tunes by way of compilations. 22 volumes deep, the "Street S... Read More...
The best thing about "Skinny Wit the Zoo" is that it's only 17 minutes long.
"Bling Blaow" might be the worst song I've li... Read More...
As reliant on data as music streaming platforms are these days, I'm always partial to discrepancies and quirks that result in humorous moments for fans, and po... Read More...
The Click's D-Shot only had two albums that made the Billboard charts, and we've already talked about "Six Figures," so it only seems fair to talk about "The S... Read More...
Did you enjoy the "jam session" songs from Beastie Boys albums like "Check Your Head" and "Ill Communication" as much or perhaps more than the raps? Then by Go... Read More...