Some albums are LOCKED IN from the very first time you hear them. No one can really say why it happens - you were at a certain age and very impressionable, amon... Read More...
LL Cool J is the "dot com" in Without him they would not be a company, let alone a commercial entity. He was their first big star, and if they ever ... Read More...
If one has been a follower of hip-hop for over two decades, an album like "Power to the People and the Beats" can be a cause for mixed emotions. On the one han... Read More...
Just one question before we get started: if he's still in the rap game ten years from now, do we call him Old Jeezy? Now before you go suggesting he just drop ... Read More...
At the start of his Def Jam deal, DMX was the hands down consensus for "most prolific recording artist in rap." 1998-99 saw three consecutive albums, each of w... Read More...
Well DUH. Who did we think he was, Dick Cheney? The redundancy of the album's title may leave you scratching your head, but the long overdue release of Keith M... Read More...