2012 was a good year for hip-hop, and there were several promising trends this year. For one, hip-hop producers are being more experimental, not afraid to color... Read More...
2012? Me and hip-hop had a good year together. I really wouldn't know how to put it otherwise these days. My hip-hop experience in 2012 was satisfactory. In fac... Read More...
Goose's Year in Review
This was a pretty crazy year for me. This was the year I graduated from college, and started my career as a professional journalist. Thi... Read More...
An El-P album is an event. He's only released three vocal albums in the past ten years, and each one has been a must-own, at least for fans of underground hip-... Read More...
Right around the time RR was covering Camu Tao's final album "King of Hearts," the people atDefinitive Jux decided to release a free EP in support of the album... Read More...
"Me calling it a Megamixx is just an excuse to get to Volume Three of anything." With that humorously self-deprecating description from El-P out of the wa... Read More...