Now there's a supergroup if there ever was one. Tame One, Breeze Brewin, El-P, Cage, Copywrite, Vast Aire, Jakki Tha Mota Mouth, Camu Tao and Yak Ballz make up... Read More...
Released as a companion album to El-P's critically lauded and sonically obtuse solo album "Fantastic Damage," the double disc "FanDam Plus" comes packed with e... Read More...
"Definitive Jux Presents Vol. 2" lends itself to comparisons with Rawkus Records' "Soundbombing" series, on which upcoming singles are also mixed with big name... Read More...
Backpackers everywhere rejoice, El-P has blessed y'all with another steaming plate of the next shit. It's a shame that many judgments on this album were made b... Read More...
Tall tales of the South often include unbelievable tales of a miner swinging his pickaxe at a rock and missing - striking earth and unleashing a huge gusher of ... Read More...
Love 'em or hate 'em, no one can deny that Company Flow is on some different shit. While at times they do stick to fairly formulaic hip-hop (and I don't mean th... Read More...