Pick up a penny off your desk or shake one loose out of your wallet. Designate "heads" Lord Infamous being in Three 6 Mafia and "tails" him being completely sol... Read More...
This is the moment that diehard Three 6 Mafia fans have been waiting for, for a long time. As a co-founder of the hugely popular group, along with DJ Paul and... Read More...
This album is in all likelihood several years old since I reviewed the original "Da Unbreakables" back in June of 2003. This didn't seem like an entry for ourĀ ... Read More...
As Hip-Hop ages, greatest hits albums are becoming more and more common. Certain acts still release such albums prematurely, but Three 6 Mafia has a career that... Read More...
Perplexed. That one word sums up this writer's feelings every time a new Three 6 Mafia album is released. It's when you're perplexed and unable think decisivel... Read More...
Appropriately enough, the group Three 6 Mafia is best known for three things: hard-ass trunk-rattling bass, songs that advocate getting crazy in clubs, and at ... Read More...