Despite success in their solo careers, Brooklyn rap duo Black Star (Yasiin Bey and Talib Kweli) haven’t lost their chemistry since, what was until a few years ... Read More...
"Sujinho" is a Madlib album. Jackson Conti is just a made up pseudonym, but anything other than Otis Jackson Jr. is too. It's not like this is the first or las... Read More...
The title of this group is a sly joke to those in the know. Otis Jackson Jr. is the birth name of celebrated rap producer Madlib, who has uses a variety of pse... Read More...
It’s been nearly sixteen years since the last time this emcee-producer tandem collaborated (last year’s “No Fear of Time” doesn’t count). Playing on both of th... Read More...
Unless Madlib is rapping it's a bit confusing to refer to something like "WLIB AM: King of the Wigflip" as a Madlib album. When Madlib is playing the selector ... Read More...