It's not often I'm surprised when hasn't covered something, but seeing we hadn't done Low Profile's "We're In This Together" shocked me. It may ... Read More...
Willie D has always tried to stand on his own outside of his Geto Boys notoriety, but the results range from well regarded to plain laughable. Mr. Dennis is a ... Read More...
The first official studio album from the Boot Camp Clik collective is a case study in how standards change over time. "For the People" was judged to be a comme... Read More...
I try hard not to make the mistake of assuming things that were common knowledge in the era an album was released still are today. Therefore on the chance you ... Read More...
The story of No Limit rapper Andrew Jordan, known as either Skull Dugrey or Skull Duggery, is not an especially happy tale to tell. At first the New Orleans na... Read More...
You can't talk about Bobby Jimmy and the Critters without talking about "Roaches." It's not included on "Hip Hop Prankster" but the album would not exist witho... Read More...