As usual with modern day Schoolly D releases I'm both fascinated by their existence and perplexed by their need to exist. I once got embroiled in a light calor... Read More...
For reasons that are unfathomable even to me, it's now apparent that I will ultimately review every album Schoolly D ever released. I honestly could have stopp... Read More...
I think "International Supersport" proves I'm a glutton for punishment. After "Reservoir Dog" I was ready to never review another Schoolly D album, despite my ... Read More...
Readers of this long-running website will likely be aware that hip-hop is approaching its 50th birthday. I don’t think any other genre of music comes together ... Read More...
It's hard to justify my affection for Schoolly D when listening to albums like "Reservoir Dog." In the past I've written about the fact he's a gangster rap leg... Read More...
These days if you're familiar with rap legend Schoolly D it's probably from the intros and outros he recorded for Aqua Teen Hunger Force, along with small came... Read More...