It has been said, to the point of redundancy, but I do not think that it cannot be said enough - No other music in the world LOATHES the aging process quite li... Read More...
There was a time, pre-Fiddy, when mix-tapes weren't a promotional tool for young rap star wannabes and they weren't an excuse for established artists to fleece ... Read More...
Money is a powerful and dangerous thing. On one hand, we all need money to survive, and not having money means being disenfranchised and in many respects power... Read More...
When I first encountered J the S, it was on a DVD that I received at Boston's retail store. He was then known by a different pseudonym—... Read More...
The problem with most beat CDs is inherent: they don't have lyrics. The problem with not having lyrics is also inherent, though not in the medium but in the lis... Read More...
So "Nigger" switches to "Untitled" - and here is the mixtape primer to stir up anticipation for the album, something that Nas doesn't really do. Put together B... Read More...