A charismatic enigma known for his short albums and independent thinking, Vince Staples is long overdue for this sort of "top ten" feature, so without further ... Read More...
The look on Drake Aubrey Graham's face says it all. How have we not done a "top ten" for him before now? Well that time is officially over, because just like a... Read More...
Before there was Queen Latifah, Lil' Kim, Nicki Minaj or Rapsody, there was Roxanne Shante -- the baddest b-girl on the block. Oh you didn't know? Well then st... Read More...
If you're wondering why there isn't a video for "Saturday Night" it's because (as far as I know) NONE EXISTS. That's a shame but I'm not sure they could have e... Read More...
It may be a measure of the state of the rap music industry that old Insane Clown Posse records sound better over time. I've always respected their insanely goo... Read More...