Wednesday March 26, 2025

All Reviews M-Z

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Recording artists are listed alphabetically; multiple albums chronologically.
Artists A-L | Artists M-Z | Back to the Lab | Comp. | DJ | Mixtapes | Singles | Soundtracks | Other

  A-L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

M-1: Confidential
Mac & A.K.: Hustle Music Vol. 1
Mac & A.K.: Hood Legends, Vol. 1
Mac and A.K.: Legendary
Galt MacDermot: Up from the Basement - Unreleased Tracks Volumes 1 & 2
Mac Dre: Young Black Brotha
Mac Dre: Rapper Gone Bad
Mac Dre: The Genie of the Lamp
Mac Dre: Ronald Dregan (Dreganomics)
Mac Dre: Tha Best of Mac Dre
Mac Dre: Dre Day: July 5th, 1970
Mac Dre: The Musical Life of Mac Dre Vol. 1
Mac Dre: The Musical Life of Mac Dre Vol. 2
Maceo: Straight Out Da Pot
Macho Man Randy Savage: Be a Man
Craig Mack: Project: Funk Da World
Mack 10: Mack 10
Mack 10: Bang or Ball
Mack 10: Ghetto, Gutter & Gangsta
Mack 10: Hustla's Handbook
Jovan MacKenzy: Jihad
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis: The Heist
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis: This Unruly Mess I've Made
Macklemore: Gemini
Mac Lethal: Men Are From Mars, Porn Stars Are From Earth
Mac Lethal: Irish Goodbye
Mac Mall: Immaculate
Mac Mall: Thizziana Stoned and the Temple of Shrooms
Mac Mall: Mac to the Future
Mac Mall: The Rebellion Against All There Is
Mac Mall, Sleep Dank, Tic, Dubee: Thizzpire Strikes Back
Mac Mall: MACnifacence & MALLiciousness
Mac Miller: Blue Slide Park
Mac Miller: Watching Movies With the Sound Off
Mac Miller: GO:OD AM
Mac Minati: Paranormal Mactivity
Mac Montese: On a Mission
maCmoses: From Israel to D.C.
Mac Truc: II Be Heard
Madchild: M.A.D.E. EP
Madchild: Switched On
Madchild: Silver Tongue Devil
Madchild: The Darkest Hour
Mad CJ Mac: True Game
Madd Kapp: Less Than Zero
Mad Dukez & Fresh Kils: Monsters
Mad Dukez: Monster in a Man Suit, Volume 4 - Wanted
Mad Dukez & Fresh Kils: The Open Affairs EP
Mad Dukez & Fresh Kils: Gettin' Gatsby
Mad Dukez: Burst Mode
Madecipha: Word Is Bond
Madison Jay: Rap's Like Wrestling
Madlib: Shades of Blue - Madlib Invades Blue Note
Madlib (DJ Rels): Theme for a Broken Soul
Madlib: Beat Konducta Vol. 1-2: Movie Scenes
Madlib: The Other Side of Los Angeles
Madlib: Beat Konducta Vol. 3 & 4: Beat Konducta in India
Madlib: Beat Konducta Vol. 5-6
Madlib: Madlib's Medicine Show #2: Flight to Brazil
Madlib: Madlib's Medicine Show #3: Beat Konducta in Africa
Madlib: Madlib's Medicine Show #4: 420 Chalice All-Stars
Madlib: Madlib Medicine Show #7: High Jazz
Madlib: Madlib Medicine Show #8: Advanced Jazz
Madlib: Madlib Medicine Show #10: Black Soul
Madlib: Madlib Medicine Show #11: Low Budget High Fi Music
Mad Maxx: Hand Me a Mic
The Mad Rapper: Appreciate the Hate Mixtape
Mad Skillz: From Where???
Mad Vibes: Clowning in Seclusion
Madvillain: Madvillainy
Maestro Fresh-Wes: Symphony in Effect
Maestro Fresh-Wes: The Black Tie Affair
Maestro Fresh-Wes: Naaah, Dis Kid Can't Be From Canada?!!
Maestro Fresh Wes: Black Tuxedo EP
Maggot Mouf: You're All Ears
Maggz: Maggnetic Opposites
Maggz: Soundscapes: Autumn Selection
Maggz: Soundscapes: Winter Selection
Maggz: Soundscapes: Spring Selection
Magic Heart Genies: Heartifact
Magic Heart Genies: Cardiac Arrest
Magic Juan: Inevitable
Magnificent Ruffians: Spanglish Conquistadores
Magno: Hood Hustlin
Magnolius: Ode to Hyde
Mahogany Public: JALI Vol. 1
Main Flow: Hip Hopulation
Main Flow: Notebook Assassins
Maino: Brooklyn's Future
Maino: If Tomorrow Comes...
Maino: The Day After Tomorrow
Main Source: Breaking Atoms
M.A.J.O.R.: Master and Juggernaut of Rhymes
Major Lazer: Guns Don't Kill People... Lazers Do
Majik Most: Molesting Hip Hop
Major Figgas: Figgas 4 Life
Maker: Honestly
Malachi Grant: Welcome 2 My World
Malcolm and Martin: Life Doesn't Frighten Me...
Malek: Opus
Malik Ameer: Sanctified
Malik B & Mr. Green: Unpredictable
Malik Yusef: The Great Chicago Fire A Cold Day In Hell
Malkovich Music: Skeletons
Malkovich: Bankruptcy
Malkovich: The Ayatollah Presley Mixtape
Mallabel Music: Platinum Unicorn Collection
Mancini: Mancini
M.anifest: Manifestations
Man In Charge: so illegal
Mann: Hated
Mannie Fresh: The Mind of Mannie Fresh
Mantra: Speaking Volumes
Mantronix: The Album
Marcellous Lovelace: David Walker's Travels
Marcellous Lovelace: To Know American: The Study of a Peoples' Suffering
Marcel P. Black: Black Collar
Marc Live: Validation - Attack of the Grunge
Marc Live: Operation Infinite Grit
Marco Polo: Port Authority
Marco Polo & Torae: Double Barrel
Marco Polo and Ruste Juxx: The Exxecution
Marco Polo: The Stupendous Adventures of Marco Polo!
Marco Polo: Marco Polo Presents: Per La Mia Gente/For My People
Marco Polo: Newport Authority 2
Marco Polo: Port Authority 2: The Director's Cut
Marcus J: For Now EP
Mark B & Blade: The Unknown
Mark J: Soulutions
Damian 'Jr. Gong' Marley: Mr. Marley
The Maroons: Ambush
MarQ Spekt and Blockhead: JustPlayWitIt
Mars: Mars Attacks
Mars Ill: Raw Material
Terrace Martin: 3ChordFold
Angie Martinez: Up Close and Personal
Angie Martinez: Animal House
Martin Finch: The Garnet LP
Marvel: No Streets (Just the World)
Marvwon & Quest M.C.O.D.Y: Jump Off a Bridge - The Mixtape
Mase: Harlem World
Ma$e: Welcome Back
Masia One: Mississauga
Masked Avengers and Maylay Sparks: So Wonderful
Maspyke: The Blackout
Maspyke: Static
(Masta Ace) Master Ace: Take a Look Around
Masta Ace Incorporated: SlaughtaHouse
Masta Ace: Sittin' on Chrome
Masta Ace: Disposable Arts
Masta Ace: A Long Hot Summer
Masta Ace & Edo.G: Arts & Entertainment
Masta Ace: MA_DOOM: Son of Yvonne
Masta Ace & Marco Polo: A Breukelen Story
Masta Ace: The Falling Season
Masta Killa: No Said Date
Masta Killa: Made in Brooklyn
Masta Killa: Live
Masta Killa: Masta Killa Presents: The Next Chamber
Masta Killa: Selling My Soul
Masterminds: The Underground Railroad
Masterminds: Stone Soup
Master P: Ice Cream Man
Master P: Ghetto D
Master P: Ghetto Postage
Master P: Good Side Bad Side
Master P: Ghetto Bill
Master P: Greatest Hits - ReMix Classics
Master P: The Best of Master P
Masters of Ceremony: Dynamite
Masters of Illusion: KutMasta Kurt Presents Masters of Illusion
Mathematics: The Problem
Mathematics: Wu-Tang Family & Friends
Mathematics: The Prelude to The Answer
Mathematics: The Answer
Matisyahu: Live at Stubb's Vol. II
Matlock: Moonshine
Matlock: 2707
Matt Maddox: Righteous Fury
Maundz: Mr. Nobody
Maundz: Zero
Max Burgundy: The Murder of Mark Fuhrman
Max Minelli: The Remedy
Maylay Sparks: Flaskworthy
MC 13: Illadelph Eternal
MC AK: I Wonder
MC AK: The One and Lonely
MC AK & Kane: We Wicked
MC Breath: Mr. Wizard's Woes
MC Breed & DFC: MC Breed & DFC
MC Breed: 20 Below
MC Breed: Flatline
MC Breed: It's All Good
M.C. Chile' & The Koncrete Jungo: Everything You Wanted to Know About Compton... But Was Too Scared to Go There and Find Out
mc chris: Eating's Not Cheating
mc chris: Part Six Part One
mc chris: Part Six Part Two
mc chris: Part Six Part Three
mc chris: Marshmellow Playground
mc chris: Race Wars
mc chris: Kicks Tape
mc chris: mc chris is dreaming
MC Duke: Organised Rhyme
MC Eiht: We Come Strapped
MC Eiht: Death Threatz
MC Eiht: Veterans Day
MC Eiht: Keep It Hood
MC Eiht: Which Way Iz West
mcenroe: Disenfranchised
M.C. Hammer: Let's Get it Started
M.C. Hammer: Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em
MC Hush: Roses and Razorblades
Malcolm McLaren: Duck Rock
MC Lars: Lars Attacks!
MC Lyte: The Very Best of MC Lyte
MC Lyte: Da Undaground Heat Vol. 1
M.C. Mell'O': Thoughts Released (Revelation I)
MC Melodee x Cookin' Soul: My Tape Deck
MC Paul Barman: It's Very Stimulating
MC Paul Barman: Paullelujah!
MC Potbelly: My Favorites
MCRE & Think 2wice: When No One's Listening
MC Ren: Kizz My Black Azz
MC Ren: Shock of the Hour
MC Serch: M.any Y.oung L.ives A.go: The 1994 Sessions
MC SubZero: The Mind of a Fortress
The MC Type and thewoods: ... (ellipsis)
MC Wood-Z: Shakespeare's Bastard Child
MC Zulu: Electro Track Therapy
MDDL FNGZ: Smokin Wit Tha Enemy
Med: Push Comes to Shove
M.E.D.: Classic
Median: Median's Relief
Medina Green: U Know the Flex Vol. 1
Meek Mill: Dreams Worth More Than Money
Megabusive w/ Awkward: Hell on Hell
Mega City:
(Mega Ran) Random: The Call
(Mega Ran) Random: Mega Ran
(Mega Ran) Random: Patches and Glue
(Mega Ran) Random: The 8th Day
(Mega Ran) Random: Mega Ran 9
Mega Ran & K-Murdock: Forever Famicom
(Mega Ran) Random: Heroes, Volume One
(Mega Ran) Random: Black Materia: Final Fantasy VII
Mega Ran & K-Murdock: Forever Famicom DLC 2
(Mega Ran) Random: Mega Ran 10
(Mega Ran) Random and Lost Perception: Black Materia: Final Fantasy VII
Mega Ran a/k/a Random: A Very Random Christmas
(Mega Ran) Mirandom: The Memorandum
Mega Ran: River City Random
(Mega Ran) Random and Lost Perception: Black Materia: The Remixes
(Mega Ran) Random: TOUR: Date With a Dream
Mega Ran a/k/a Random: Language Arts Volume 1
Mega Ran ak/a Random: Language Arts Volume 2
Mega Ran a/k/a Random: Language Arts Volume 3
Mega Ran a/k/a Random: Time and Space
Mega Ran: TRAP
Mega Ran a/k/a Random: Castlevania: The Nocturnal Cantata
Mega Ran and Mister Wilson: Blur Bomber
Mega Ran: Journey: A Hip Hop Excursion
Mega Ran: Mega Ran Japan Tour EP
Mega Ran x Phill Harmonix: The Returners
Mega Ran & Richie Branson: The Ghouls 'n Ghosts EP
(Mega Ran) Mirandom: The Otherworld EP
Mega Ran: Kickstarter Exclusive - Ran Live Band
Mega Ran: Mega Ran Com:Mission
Mega Ran & Storyville: Soul Veggies
Mega Ran and Bag of Tricks Cat: Emerald Knights: The Album
Mega Ran: RNDM
Mega Ran & Lynx Kinetic: Mat Mania - The Album
Mega Ran & Lynx Kinetic: Mat Mania: The Revenge
Mega Ran: Extra Credit
Meko Makafi: C.A.K.E.
Melanin 9: Magna Carta
MellowHype: BlackenedWhite
MellowHype: Numbers
Mello Music Group: Helpless Dreamer
Mellow Man Ace: Escape From Havana
Melodramatic: Melodramatic
Melo Kan: The Unkomfortable Silence
Memphis Bleek: The Understanding
Memphis Bleek: M.A.D.E.
Memphis Bleek: 534
Carlos Mena: Hip-Hop Meditations
Menace Clan: Da Hood
Menacide: Street Symphony
Sergio Mendes: Timeless
Sergio Mendes: Encanto
Sergio Mendes: Bom Tempo
M.E.R.C. & DJ A to the L: Daylight Marauders
Mercee: The Reinvention
Messy Beatz: Donkey Kong Project
Messy Marv & San Quinn: Explosive Mode
Messy Marv & Marvaless: Bonnie & Clyde
Messy Marv: Disobayish
Messy Marv: Bandannas, Tattoos & Tongue Rings
Mestizo: Dream State
Metaform: Metaform
Metaform: The Electric Mist
Metal Fingers Presents: Special Herbs, Vols. 1 & 2
Metal Fingers Presents: Special Herbs, Vols. 5 & 6
Metal Fingers Presents: Special Herbs, Vols. 7 & 8
Metal Fingers Presents: Special Herbs, Vols. 9 & 0
Metawon: Choplifter
Metermaids: Nightlife
Metermaids: Smash Smash Bang EP
Meth * Ghost * Rae: Wu-Massacre
Method Man: Tical
Method Man: Tical 2000
Method Man: Tical 0 - The Prequel
Method Man: 4:21... The Day After
Method Man: The Meth Lab
Method Man & Redman: Blackout!
Method Man & Redman: Blackout! 2
Meyhem Lauren: Respect the Fly S--t
Meyhem Lauren & Buckwild: Silk Pyramids
Meyhem Lauren: Piatto D'Oro
Meyhem Lauren & DJ Muggs: Gems From the Equinox
Mez & Self Suffice: The Manhattanites Present Manhattan Night
MF Doom: Operation Doomsday
MF Doom & MF Grimm: MF
MF Doom is Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain
MF Doom is Viktor Vaughn: Venomous Villain (VV2)
MF Doom: MM Food
MF Doom: Live From Planet X
(MF Doom) Doom: Born Like This
(MF Doom) DOOM: Unexpected Guests
MF DOOM: Expektoration... Live
MF Grimm: Scars & Memories
MF Grimm: The Downfall of Ibliys
MF Grimm: Good Morning Vietnam EP
MF Grimm & Drasar Monumental: Good Morning Vietnam 2: Golden Triangle
M.I.: Talk About It
M.I.A.: Arular
M.I.A.: Kala
M.I.A.: Maya
M.I.A.: Matangi
Miami Beat Wave: #B2B
Micall Parknsun: Me, Myself and Akai
Micall Parknsun: I Should've Done This Time Ago
Mic&Rep: Last of the Best
Mic Audio & Matcy P: Hometown Advantage
Mic Crenshaw: Thinking Out Loud
Mic Crenshaw: Under the Sun
M.I.C.E.V.E.: Frowns
Mic Geronimo: Long Road Back
Mic Geronimo: Alive
Kevin Michael: YaDig?
Mickey Avalon: Mickey Avalon
Mickey Avalon: Loaded
Mickey Avalon: I Get Even
Mickey Factz & Nottz: The Achievement: circa '82
Mic Life: Explozif
Micranots: Obelisk Movements
Mic Taylor: Mansa Mic
Mighty Casey: The Original Rudebwoy EP
Mighty Misc: The Secret Lives of Hobbits
The Mighty Rhino: We Will No Longer Retreat Into Darkness
The Mighty Underdogs: The Prelude EP
The Mighty Underdogs: Droppin' Science Fiction
Migos: Young Rich N***s
Migos: Yung Rich Nation
Migos: C U L T U R E
Migos: Culture II
Miilkbone: U Got Miilk?
Mike Control: The Introduction
Mike G: ALI
Mike Jones: Who Is Mike Jones?
Mike Jones & Lil Flip: Still Tippin in Texas
Mike Jones: The Voice
Mike Ladd: Father Divine
Mike Mictlan & Lazerbeak: Hand Over Fist
Mike Will Made It: Ransom
Mikey Mo the MC: Rule By Decree
Milano Constantine: The Way We Were
Milk: Never Dated
Millie & Andrea: Drop the Vowels
Miller Boyz: Hip Hop History
Million Dan: Spektrum: Special Edition
MIMS: Music Is My Savior
MIMS: Guilt
Mindbender: Better Late Than Never
Mindbender: Invisible Rhythm Showcase
MindsOne & Kev Brown: Pillars EP
Andy Mineo: Never Land
Ming + FS: Hell's Kitchen
Charles Mingus: Black Saint and the Sinner Lady
Minus P: Welcome to the Heights
Mission: One
Missionary Men: Home Sick
Missy Elliott: Miss E ...So Addictive
Missy Elliott: Under Construction
Missy Elliott: This Is Not a Test
Missy Elliott: The Cookbook
Mista Alien: Area 504
Mistah F.A.B.: The Baydestrian
Mista Savona: Melbourne Meets Kingston
MisterE: Dusting For Prints
Mister Jason: Mister Jason Presents: Frankensteez
Mistery: Way of the Warrior
Mitchy Slick and the World's Freshest: Feet Match the Paint
MJ: Now Showing
Mobb Deep: The Infamous
Mobb Deep: Hell on Earth
Mobb Deep: Murda Muzik
Mobb Deep: Infamy
Mobb Deep: Free Agents - The Murda Mixtape
Mobb Deep: Amerikaz Nightmare
Mobb Deep: Blood Money
Mobb Deep: The Infamous Mobb Deep
Mochipet: Microphonepet
Mode 9: Pentium IX
Modenine: E Pluribus Unum
Modenine: The Paradigm Shift
Modill: Midnight Green
Modulok: Cities and Years
Moe Green: Rocky Maivia: Non-Title Match
Moe Green: Free Water
Moka Only: Lime Green
Moka Only: Vermilion
Moka Only: Carrots and Eggs
Moka Only: Lowdown Suite 2... The Box
Moka Only: Airport 4
Moka Only: Barbecued Horse Contest
Moka Only & Chief: Crickets
Moka Only: Sex Money Moka
Moka Only: Magickal Weirdness
Moka Only: Brutal
Moka Only: Sao Paulo
Moka Only: I'm Delighted
Moka Only: California Sessions Vol. 3
Moka Only: Martian XMAS 2016
Moka Only: Concert For One
Moke & Tone: Shot Heard Round the World
Molecules/Showbiz: A Bronx Tale
Molemen: Ritual of the...
Janelle Monae: ArchAndroid
Janelle Monae: The Electric Lady
M.O.N.E.: Music Only Needs Ears Vol. 1
Money Mark: Demo? Or Demolition?
Money Mont: My Life, My Struggle, My Hustle
Montage One: 10.6.3 OGX
Moochy C: I Know What I'm Worth
Mood: Doom
Moodie Black: Nausea
Moon Blazers: Let Yaself Go EP
Moon Blazers: Above the Clouds
Moon Blazers: The Milky Williams Quintet
Moon Blazers: summer
Moonshine Bandits: Whiskey and Women
Moonshine Bandits: Whiskey and Women Deluxe Shiner Edition
Moonshine Bandits: Calicountry
Moonshine Bandits: Baptized in Bourbon
Darryl Moore: Where I'm At
M.O.P.: To the Death
M.O.P.: Firing Squad
M.O.P.: First Family 4 Life
M.O.P.: Warriorz
M.O.P.: 10 Years and Gunnin'
(M.O.P.) Mash Out Posse: Mash Out Posse
M.O.P.: M.O.P. Salutes the St. Marxmen
M.O.P.: Foundation
M.O.P. & Snowgoons: Sparta
M.O.P.: Street Certified EP
Mo Pacino: Lyrical Warfare
Mopacino: The Underground King
Tom Morello & Boots Riley: Street Sweeper Social Club
More Or Les & Recordface: Post Millennium Tension
More Or Les: Nerd Love
Mortar: Sacred Geometry
Mos Def: Black on Both Sides
Mos Def: The New Danger
Mos Def: True Magic
Mos Def: The Ecstatic
Mose the Third: Declaration of Independence
Mose the Third: Pride and Fear EP, Vol. II
Mo Thugs: The Movement
Motion Man: Pablito's Way
Motion Man: Adult Situations
Moufy: Humble Season
Mountain Brothers: Self Vol. 1
Mountain Brothers: Triple Crown
Move.meant: The Good Money EP
Move.meant: The Scope of Things
Mowgli: 93
Mo Wiley: Major League Ballin'
Mozez Gunn: The Litmus
M-Phazes: Good Gracious
M-Phazes & Emilio Rojas: Phaze One
M-Phazes: Phazed Out
Mr. Boss: The Landing Part II
Mr. Brady: Labor of Love
Mr. Brady: Speechless
Mr. Cheeks: Back Again!
Mr Clean: With a Vengeance
Mr. Cleen: Audiobesity
Mr. Complex: Hold This Down
Mr. Dead: Metabolic Vol. 3 - Dynamic Tension
Mr. D.O.G.: Streets of Tha Tac
Mr. Freeze: Red Snow
Mr. Freeze: The Righteous Path
Mr. Green: Ill Piano
Mr. Hyde: Barn of the Naked Dead
Mr. J. Medeiros: Of Gods and Girls
Mr. Len: Pity the Fool
Mr. Len: Class X (Tribute to Company Flow)
Mr. Lif: Enters the Colossus
Mr. Lif: Emergency Rations
Mr. Lif: I, Phantom
Mr. Lif: Mo' Mega
Mr. Lif: I Heard it Today
Mr. Lif and Brass Menazeri: Resilient
Mr. Lil One: Greatest Hits
Mr. Long: The Class of '89
Mr. Lucci: 100% Real
Mr. Miranda: DJ Speek Greene Presents The Wonderful World of Mr. Miranda
Mr. Miranda & Mute: La Bamba: The Ritchie Valens EP
Mr. Nogatco aka Kool Keith: Nogatco Rd.
Mr. Pookie: Return of Tha Rippla
Mr. Sche and Immortal Lowlife: It's Going Down
Mr. Sche: Underground Forever
Mr. Scrillion: Anti-Hero
Mr. Scrillion aka Adam Thick: The Pale Hustlini
Mr. Shadow: Greatest Hits
Mr. Thing: Strange Breaks & Mr. Thing
Ms. Dynamite: A Little Deeper
Ms. Jade: Girl Interrupted
Mugg Shot: Mean Muggin
Mudkids: Basementality
Muenster: Warped Tape
Muenster: Radio Dogpile
Georgia Anne Muldrow: Olesi: Fragments of an Earth
Georgia Anne Muldrow & Declaime: SomeOthaShip
Georgia Anne Muldrow: A Thoughtiverse Unmarred
Mumbles and the Dust: Black Cock and Other Fairy Tales
Muneshine: A Walk in the Park
Muneshine: Status Symbol
Muneshine & Vinyl Frontiers: Larger Than Life
Muneshine: There Is Only Today
Muneshine: In Transit
Muph & Plutonic: Silence the Sirens
Muph & Plutonic: ...And Then Tomorrow Came
Rob Murat: So Much to Say
Murphy Lee: Murphy's Law
Keith Murray: Enigma
Keith Murray: The Most Beautifullest Hits
Keith Murray: He's Keith Murray
Keith Murray: Rap-Murr-Phobia
Keith Murray: Intellectual Violence
Murs: Varsity Blues
MURS: MURS 3:16 - The 9th Edition
Murs & Slug: Felt 2: A Tribute to Lisa Bonet
Murs: Murray's Revenge
Murs & 9th Wonder: Sweet Lord
Murs: Murs For President
Murs: Have a Nice Life
Murs & 9th Wonder: Brighter Daze
Murs: A Strange Journey Into the Unimaginable
Musab: The Slicks Box
Muszamil: Reparation Is Due
MVP: Most Valuable Playas
MXX: Street Selection Volume One
Myka Nyne: The Citrus Sessions Vol. I
Myka 9: 1969
Myka 9: Mykology
Myka 9 & Factor: Sovereign Soul
Myka 9 & Factor: Famous Future Time Travel
Mykill Miers: Been a Long Time Coming
Mykill Miers: The Second Coming
Myron Mayhem: Struggle
MYSELF: Protest In Disguise
Mystic: Cuts for Luck and Scars for Freedom
Mystikal: Let's Get Ready
Mystikal: Tarantula
Mystikal: Prince of the South... The Hits
Mystik Journeymen: Magic
NAAM Brigade: Early in the Game
Nacirema: Wars In Wonderland
Nacirema: 4 Sevens
Nacirema: The Jesus Piece
Nac One: Natural Reaction
Naledge: Chicago Picasso
Napoleon Da Legend: The Myth or The Legend
Nappy Roots: Watermelon, Chicken & Gritz
Nappy Roots: Wooden Leather
Nappy Roots: The Humdinger
Nappy Roots: The Pursuit of Nappyness
Nappy Roots: Nappy Dot Org
Nappy Roots: The 40 Akerz Project
The Narcissists: Planet Euthanasia
Nas: Pre-Illmatic Mixtape
Nas: Illmatic
Nas: It Was Written
Nas: It Was Written - Revisited
Nas: I Am...
Nas: Nastradamus
Nas: Stillmatic
Nas: From Illmatic to Stillmatic - The Remixes
Nas: The Lost Tapes
Nas: God's Son
Nas: Street's Disciple
Nas: 10 Year Anniversary Illmatic Platinum Series
Nas: Hip Hop Is Dead
Nas: Greatest Hits
Nas: Untitled
Nas & Damian Marley: Distant Relatives
Nas: Life Is Good
Nas: Illmatic XX
Nasty Nyne: Digital Dope
Natas: N of Tha World
Nate Dogg: Music & Me
Nathan Blaze: Demo EP
Nato Caliph: Cipher Inside
Natti: Still Motion
Naughty Boy: Hotel Cabana
Naughty By Nature: Naughty's Nicest
The Nayno: Ill Minds Think Alike
N.B.S.: The Prelude
N.B.S.: The Smokefest
N-dubz: Uncle B
NDVisual: Work
Necro: I Need Drugs
Necro: Brutality Part 1
Necro: Death Rap
Necro: DIE!
Neek the Exotic: Hustle Don't Stop
Nefertiti: L.I.F.E. (Living In Fear of Extinction)
NEFEW: The Antihero Begins
Neil Armstrong: Bittersweet
Nelace: Ingredients
Nelly: Country Grammar
Nelly: Nellyville
Nelly: Da Derrty Versions - The Reinvention
Nelly: Sweat
Nelly: Suit
Nelly: Sweatsuit
Nelly: Brass Knuckles
Nelly: 5.0 (Deluxe Version)
Nelly & the St. Lunatics: Who's the Boss
Nems: Prezident's Day
Nems: F--- Your Love
The Neptunes: The Neptunes Present... Clones
N*E*R*D: In Search Of...
N*E*R*D: Fly or Die
N*E*R*D: Seeing Sounds
N*E*R*D: Nothing
Nerd Ferguson: B---h, Where's My Sandwich: The Album
Nerd Ferguson: Gunshots & Twizzlers
Nerd Ferguson: Trust Me, I Know What I'm Doing
Nessly: Give Us, Lord, Our Daily Bread 2
Nervous System: Controlled Substance
New Boyz: Skinny Jeanz and a Mic
New Boyz: Too Cool to Care
New Breed: Stop the Music
New Life Ryders: Bilistic Presents... New Life Ryders
New Jack Kings: New Jack Kings
NF: Perception
Nickel-Us F & The Burglars: 'B' Stands for Burglars
Nicki Minaj: Pink Friday
Nicki Minaj: Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded
Nicki Minaj: Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded the Re-Up
Nicki Minaj: The Pinkprint
Nickodemus: Sun People
Nickodemus: Sun People Remixed
Nicolay: Here
Nicolay: City Lights Vol. 3: Soweto
Nieve: Playback
Nighthawks: Nighthawks
Nightmares on Wax: Sounds of N.O.W.
Night Shift MD: The Last Day Sane
NIM-ONE: The 13th Disciple
Nina B.: Live and Learn Volume 4: Sex Sells
Nina Macc: Memoirs of a Boss B@%!$
Nine: Nine Livez
Nine: Quinine
Nipsey Hussle: Crenshaw
Nipsey Hussle: Victory Lap
Nitty: Player's Paradise
Nitty Scott, MC: Boombox Diaries Vol. 1
Nivea: Complicated
NjS: Soular Power
Nneka: The Uncomfortable Truth
The Nobodies: Fables
Nobody: Soulmates
Nobs: Musicide
Nobs: Workin'
Nocturnal Ron: Beat Lovers Vol. 2
The Nocturnals: Next Time It's Personal
Nocturnals: To Be Continued
Nocturnals: 7 Sins
No Good People: White People Can't Dance
Nomadic Poet: A Travellers Tale
Nomak: Calm
The Nonce: World Ultimate
Nonpareilyx: Nonpareilyx
Non Phixion: The Future Is Now
Non Phixion: The Green CD/DVD
Non Prophets: Hope
N.O.R.E.: God's Favorite
N.O.R.E.: What 2 Up Da Hood
N.O.R.E.: Y La Familia... Ya Tu Sabe
N.O.R.E.: No Reality
N.O.R.E. (P.A.P.I.): Student of the Game
Northstar: Bobby Digital Presents Northstar
Nosaj Thing: Drift
Nosaj Thing: Home
Nosaj Thing: Fated
Notorious B.I.G.: Ready to Die
Notorious B.I.G.: Life After Death
Notorious B.I.G.: Born Again
Notorious B.I.G.: Ready to Die - The Remaster CD & DVD
Notorious B.I.G.: Duets - The Final Chapter
Notorious B.I.G.: Greatest Hits
Nottz & Asher Roth: Rawth EP
Nowfolk: Magnesium Opium
Nox & Evoke: Love Gone Bad
Nsidaz: On Da Inside
Nu Jerzey Devil: Art of the Devil
Numbs: The Word
Numbs: Nfinity
N.U.N.E. & Shade Sheist: Movin Units
Nuthouse: Deez Nuts EP
Nut-Rageous: Raw Nuts
Nut-Rageous: The Red Zone EP
Nutso & DJ Lowcut: In the Cut
Nutso: Divided Soul EP
N.W.A.: 100 Miles and Running
N.W.A.: Efil4Zaggin
N.W.A.: The Best of N.W.A.: The Strength of Street Knowledge
NxWorries: Yes Lawd!
Nycest Emcee: Arrival 'N Departure
NYCk Caution: Disguise the Limit
NYGz: Welcome to G-dom
N.Y.Oil: Hood Treason
NYOil: 9 Wonders Mixtape
O.B.: Celestial Offerings
Oblique Brown: Oblique Brown
O.C.: Word...Life
O.C.: Jewelz
O.C.: Bon Appetit
O.C.: Starchild
O.C.: Smoke & Mirrors
O.C. & A.G.: Oasis Sampler
O.C. & A.G.: Oasis
OCD (Moosh & Twist): The Vestibule
Ocean Wisdom: Chaos 93'
Odd Future: The OF Tape Vol. 2
Oddisee: Foot in the Door
Oddisee: Odd Seasons
Oddisee: People Hear What They See
Oddisee: The Beauty in All
Oddisee: The Good Fight
Oddisee: Alwasta
Oddisee: The Iceberg
Oddities: The Scenic Route
Oddjobs: Drums
Odd Squad: Fadanuf fa Erybody
O-Dog: Flip Side
Off Topic: I Think I Exist
Off Topic: Formative EP
Offwhyte: Dialogue
O.G. Style: I Know How to Play 'Em!
Ohene: Inner City Soul
Ohene: I Am Ohene
Ohmega Watts: The Find
Oh No: The Disrupt
Oh No: The Disrupt Chronicles Part 2
Oh No: Exodus Into Unheard Rhythms
Oh No: Dr. No's Oxperiment
Oh No: Dr. No's Ethiopium
Oh No: Ohnomite
Oh No: Disrupted Ads
Oktober Zero: The Devil Smokes Dimebags
Ol' Dirty Bastard: Return to the 36 Chambers
Ol' Dirty Bastard: Nigga Please
Ol' Dirty Bastard: The Trials and Tribulations of Russell Jones
Ol' Dirty Bastard: Osirus
Ol' Dirty Bastard: The Definitive Ol' Dirty Bastard Story
Ol' Dirty Bastard: Remember Ol' Dirty
Omega One: The Lo-Fi Chronicles
Omni: FunkDafied Freddy
Omni: Batterie
Omni: IamOMNI
Omniscence: The Raw Factor
Omniscence: Sharp Objects
Rhonnie O'Neal: The May
One.Be.Lo: S.O.N.O.G.R.A.M.
One.Be.Lo: S.T.I.L.L.B.O.R.N.
One Be Lo: The R.E.B.I.R.T.H.
One Be Lo: L.A.B.O.R.
One Be Lo & Bean One: The Original BORN ONES
One Block Radius: Long Story Short
One Dae: Daes & Times
One Day as a Lion: One Day as a Lion EP
The One JP: The One JP
One Session: DJ Bobby B Presents - The Hidden Treasures
One Sixth: Electronic Mail
Onry Ozzborn: Duo
Onyx: Bacdafucup
Onyx: All We Got Iz Us
Onyx: Bacdafucup Part II
Onyx: Triggernometry
Onyx: #WakeDaFucUp
Onyx: Against All Authorities
Open Mike Eagle: 4NML HSPTL
Open Mike Eagle: Dark Comedy
Open Mike Eagle: A Special Episode Of
Open Mike Eagle: Brick Body Kids Still Daydream
Opio: Triangulation Station
Opio: Vulture's Wisdom, Volume One
Opio & Unjust: Mark It Zero: The Big Lebowski Tribute Album
Opio & Equipto: Red X Tapes
Organized Konfusion: Organized Konfusion
Organized Konfusion: Stress: The Extinction Agenda
Original Concept: Straight From the Basement of Kooley High
Original Flavor: Beyond Flavor
Origino: Leave the Ground Behind
Originoo Gunn Clapazz: Da Storm
Chris Orrick: Portraits
Bill Ortiz: Winter In America
Bill Ortiz: Highest Wish
Joell Ortiz: The Brick: Bodega Chronicles
Joell Ortiz: Free Agent
Joell Ortiz & !llmind: human
Oscar G: DJ
Otayo Dubb: Cold Piece of Work
Othello: Alive at the Assembly Line
The Others: Past Futuristic
O.U.O.: Of Unknown Origin
Outcast Youth: Rebel Diaries
Outerspace: Blood and Ashes
Outerspace: God's Fury
OutKast: Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik
OutKast: ATLiens
OutKast: Aquemini
OutKast: Stankonia
OutKast: Big Boi & Dre Present...
OutKast: Speakerboxxx/The Love Below
OutKast: Idlewild
Outlawz: Novakane
Outlawz: Neva Surrender
Outlawz: Outlaw 4 Life: 2005 A.P.
Outlawz: We Want In
Outsidaz: Night Life EP
Outsidaz: The Bricks
The Outsiders: Fadacy Music Presents: The Outsiders
Outtasite: Careful What You Wish For
Outthere: What Does He Think He Is Doing?
Outthere: You Still Here?
Dominic Owen: Boom Bap
Oxcyde: The Aphorism EP
Oyoshe: Bring Da Noise 2
Ozi Batla: Wild Colonial
Ozomatli: Street Signs
P.A.: My Life, Your Entertainment
P.A. (Prince Ali): Rhythmicism Blvd EP
Pacewon: Won
Pacewon: Telepathy
Pacewon & Mr. Green: The Only Color That Matters Is Green
Pacewon & Mr. Green: The Only Number That Matters Is Won
The Pack: Skateboards 2 Scrapers
The Pack: Based Boys
The Pack: Wolfpack Party
Panacea: Ink Is My Drink
Panacea: The Scenic Route
Panacea: Corkscrew Gaps EP
The Pangea Project: The Pangea Project
Pangea Pham: The Pangea Project
Papa Dios: Eff Yoo
Papoose: The Best of Papoose - The Mixtape
Papoose: The Nacirema Dream
Paradime: Paragraphs
Paradime: Spill at Will
Paradox: Nice New Life - A Soldier's Story
Paradox: Role Model
Paradox: Called to Mind
Paradox: Mending
Parallel Thought: Drugs, Liquor, Sex, and Cigarettes EP
Paranoid Castle: Champagne Nightmares
Paris: Unleashed
Paris: Sonic Jihad
Paris: Acid Reflex
Paris: Pistol Politics
Lewis Parker: Masquerades & Silhouettes
Lewis Parker: The Puzzle: Episode 1 - The Big Game
Lewis Parker: The Puzzle: Episode Two - The Glass Ceiling
Partners N Crime: PNC3
Partners-N-Crime: Club Bangaz
Pasobionic: Empty Beats for Lonely Rappers
Passalacqua: Passalacqua
P.A.S.S.I.A.N. C.L.I.C.K.: P.A.S.S.I.A.N. C.L.I.C.K. EP
Pastor Troy: Universal Soldier
Pastor Troy: By Any Means Necessary
Pastor Troy: Stay Tru
Pastor Troy: By Choice or By Force
Pastor Troy: Attitude Adjuster
Patriarch: Son of a Refugee
Paulie Rhyme & Vic Freeze: The Talented Tenth EP
Paul Wall: The People's Champ
Paul Wall: Get Money, Stay True
Paul Wall: Fast Life
Paul Wall & Chamillionaire: Get Ya Mind Correct
Paul Wall & Chamillionaire: Controversy Sells
Pause: Pacific Rose
pausemc: Blue
Pavy: Middle Class Ignorance
Pawz One: Face The Facts
Paypa Boiz: Street Newz Vol. 1
P-Dash: Dying 4 a Living
P. Diddy & the Bad Boy Family: The Saga Continues...
P. Diddy: We Invented the Remix
Peace586: Generations
Peaches: The Teaches of Peaches
Pedagree: Flood the Blocc - Volume 1: Make Bread
Peeps: Waiting to Die
Pegz: Burn City
Pendragon: Revenge of the Harm City King
Penhead: Paramount
Penny the Great: You Can All Die Now
Penuckle: The Sun Beckons...
People Under the Stairs: O.S.T.
People Under the Stairs: ... Or Stay Tuned
People Under the Stairs: Stepfather
People Under the Stairs: Fun-DMC
People Under the Stairs: 12 Step Program
Pep Love: Ascension
Pep Love: Rigmarole
Percee P: Now and Then
Percee P: Perseverance
Percee P: Perseverance: The Madlib Remix
The Perceptionists: The Razor
The Perceptionists: Black Dialogue
The Perceptionists: Resolution
Perfec: Best Kept Secret
Perfeck Strangers: Series Premiere
Pete Philly & Perquisite: Mindstate
Peter Leo x DJ Concept: Young Baby Father EP
Pete Rock: Soul Survivor
Pete Rock: Lost & Found
Pete Rock: Soul Survivor II
Pete Rock: Petestrumentals
Pete Rock: Petestrumentals 2
Pete Rock: NY's Finest
Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth: All Souled Out
Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth: Mecca and the Soul Brother
Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth: The Main Ingredient
Pete Rock & Smif-N-Wessun: Monumental
Petey Pablo: Diary of a Sinner * 1st Entry
Petey Pablo: Still Writing in My Diary * 2nd Entry
Pettidee: Race 2 Nowhere
Pez: A Mind of My Own
Pfilbryte: Preservatives Affirmative!
pH10: Well Connected
Phace: Phlozart
The Phalanx: Corporate Raid
The Pharcyde: Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde
The Pharcyde: Labcabincalifornia
Pharcyde: Plain Rap
The Pharcyde: Humboldt Beginnings
The Pharcyde: Instrumentals
Pharoahe Monch: Internal Affairs
Pharoahe Monch: Desire
Pharoahe Monch: W.A.R. (We Are Renegades)
Pharoahe Monch: PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Pharrell: In My Mind
Pharrell: G I R L
Phatchance: Inkstains
Phat Kat: The Undeniable LP
Phat Kat: Carte Blanche
Phife Dawg: Ventilation
Philadelphia Slick: Culture Industry
Philadelphia Slick: Oil
Phi-Life Cypher: Millennium Metaphors
Phili n' Dotz: Phil n' the Dotz
Phillip Morris: The Process of Addiction Has Its Costs
Philly's Most Wanted: Get Down or Lay Down
Philly's Most: Ring the Alarm
P.H.I.L.T.H.Y.: A Little Light for You
Philthy Phil: Call Me Back, Yeah?
Phlegm: One Night Stands...
Phoenix Da Icefire: The Quantum Leap
Phonix & Purpose: Those Who Don't Hear
Phonte: Charity Starts at Home
Phonte: No News Is Good News
Phunk Junkeez: Phunk Junkeez
PHZ-Sicks: The Moment
P.I.C.: Hiphopunkfunkmamboska
P.I.C.: Sexy Picnic
Pigeon Hole: Age Like Astronauts
Pigeon John: Pigeon John and the Summertime Pool Party
Pigeon John: Dragon Slayer
Pimp C: Sweet James Jones Stories
Pimp C: Pimpalation
Pimp C: The Naked Soul of Sweet Jones
Pimp C: Still Pimping
Pimpsta: Greatest Hits Vol. 1
PIMP-T: Power Is Mindful Peace
Pimp Tea: An Urbal Remedy
Pitbull: M.I.A.M.I.
Pitbull: Money Is Still a Major Issue
Pitbull: El Mariel
Pitbull: The Boatlift
Pitbull: Free Agent Mixtape
Pitbull: Rebelution
Pitbull: Planet Pit
Pitbull: Global Warming
Pitch Black: Pitch Black Law
Pizon: Growing Pains EP
Pizon: I Am Hip Hop
PJ Tha Rap Hustla & J-Dawg: Slim Thug Presents Hoggin & Shinin
Planet Asia: The Grand Opening
Planet Asia: The Sickness, Part One
Planet Asia: The Medicine
Planet Asia: Jewelry Box Sessions: The Album
Planet Asia: Black Belt Theatre
Planet Asia: Velour Portraits EP
The Pla2n: Gotta Get It
Plan: Be: Antiform
Plan B: The Defamation of Strickland Banks
Plan B: Ill Manors
The Planets: Epic EP
Plantlife: Time Traveller
Platinum Pied Pipers: Triple P
Playa Rae: Dayz Like This
Playa Rae/Trey C/Tha Critic: Facetime
Playaz Circle: Supply & Demand
Playdough: Lonely Superstar
Playdough: Hotdoggin
Playmakaz: Playmakaz
Plex: Demons
Plies: The Real Testament
Plies: Definition of Real
Plies: Da REAList
Plies: Goon Affiliated
Plural Clarity: Clarification
Plural Clarity: Clearly, There's a Problem Here...
PMD: The Awakening
P.M. Dawn: Of the Heart, Of the Soul, and Of the Cross: The Utopian Experience
PNS and Zavala: Canciones Modernas
Po' Baby: Act Like U Know Me
Pocket Dwellers: Lifecheck
P.O.E.T.: Heartless
The Poetic Prophetic: New Jeru's Finest
Poetic Prophetic: EMOtivate Yourself
(Poetic Prophetic) Poe Pro: Whatever (Whatever You Want it to Be)
Poe Pro: The Sedated Hype Man
Point Game: The Game Gets Deeper
Poison Hertz: American Poison
Politic Live: Adaptation
Polyrhythm Addicts: Break Glass
Poorly Drawn People: Motion Not Emotion
Poor Righteous Teachers: The New World Order
P.O.S.: Audition
P.O.S.: Never Better
P.O.S.: We Don't Even Live Here
P.O.S.: Chill, dummy
Positive Nature: Never Stop
Pos-Neg: What Side Are You On?
Posterz: Junga EP
Potluck: Humboldt County High
Potluck: Harvest Time
Potluck: Straight Outta Humboldt
Potluck: Pipe Dreams
Potluck: Greatest Hits With My Buds
Potluck: Rhymes and Resin
Potna Deuce: Welcome to Da Tilt
Power Struggle: Arson at the Petting Factory
Power Struggle: Remittances
Pras Michel: Win Lose or Draw
Pre: Almighty Low
Preach: Garveyism
Prefuse 73: Vocal Studies + Uprock Narratives
PremRock & Willie Green: PremRock & Willie Green
PremRock: Mark's Wild Years
PremRock: A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
PremRock: Who Art In Nada
PremRock & Fresh Kils: Leave In Tact - The Remix Collection
Present Rhymes: Livin' the Mission
Presto: State of the Art
Pretty Willie: Enter the Life of Suella
PRhyme: PRhyme
Priest Da Nomad: Mr. Moov Sumthin'
Primal Winds: Cut You Down
Prime: The Birth of Mr. Joshua
The Primeridian: Da All Nighta
Prime Minister Pete Nice & Daddy Rich: Dust to Dust
Primordial Emcee: X-Faction 2: Reanimated
Prince Fatty: Survival of the Fattest
Prince Johnny C: It's Been a Long Rhyme Coming
Prince Markie Dee and the Soul Convention: Free
Prince Paul: Psychoanalysis (What Is It?)
Prince Paul: A Prince Among Thieves
Prince Paul & Dan the Automator: Handsome Boy Modeling School
Prince Paul: Politics of the Business
Prince Paul: Itstrumental
Prince Paul: Hip Hop Gold Dust
Prince Po: The Slickness
Prince Po & Oh No: Animal Serum
Princess Superstar: My Machine
Princess Superstar: I'm a Firecracker EP
Printmatic: The Vitamins and Minerals EP
Prinx Mikul: Brooklyn Meets Africa
Prizm: Surfacing
Prob Cause: Spring Cleaning
The Procussions: ...As Iron Sharpens Iron
The Procussions: 5 Sparrows for 2 Cents
Prodigal Sunn: Return of the Prodigal Sunn
Prodigy (Mobb Deep): H.N.I.C.
Prodigy: Return of the Mac
Prodigy: H.N.I.C. Pt. 2
Prodigy: The Ellsworth Bumpy Johnson EP
Prodigy: H.N.I.C. 3
Prodigy & Alchemist: Albert Einstein
The Product: One Hunid
Proe: Be Brave, Gladiator
Pro.Era: PEEP: The aPROcalypse
Prof: Project Gampo
Prof: King Gampo
Prof: Kaiser von Powderhorn 3
Prof: Liability
Professor Fresh: The Fresh Files
Professor Fresh: From MN, w/ Love
Professor Green: Alive Til I'm Dead
Professor Green: At Your Inconvenience
Professor Green: Growing Up In Public
Professor Griff: And the Word Became Flesh
Professor P & DJ Akilles: All Year, Every Year
Profit Z: Way We Live
Progress Report: Summer School (The Remix Album)
The Project: The Truth Today
Project Deadman: Self Inflicted
Project Pat: Crook by Da Book: The Fed Story
Project Pat: Walkin' Bank Roll
Project Pat: Real Recognize Real
Project Pat: Loud Pack
Project Pat: M.O.B.
Prolyphic & Reanimator: The Ugly Truth
Prometheus Brown & Bambu Walk Into a Bar: Prometheus Brown & Bambu Walk Into a Bar
Promise: TellAVision
Proof: I Miss the Hip Hop Shop
Proof: Searching for Jerry Garcia
Propaganda: Out of Knowhere
Propaganda Anononymous: Squat the Condos
Prophetix: High Risk
Prophet Posse: The Return: Part 1
Proseed: Quintessential
Prozak: Tales From the Sick
Prozak: We All Fall Down
Prozak: Paranormal
Psalm One: Bio:Chemistry II:Esters and Essays
Psalm One: The Death of Frequent Flyer
The P$C: 25 to Life
PSD Tha Drivah/Keak Da Sneak/Messy Marv: Da Bidness
Pseudo Intellectuals: Resourceful Illery
Pseudo Intellectuals: Dope Grindwork
Pseudo Slang: We'll Keep Looking
Pseudoubt: Where Nothing Grows
Psybo: Wherewithal
Psyche Origami: The Standard
p-teK: DPS|LP2
Public Enemy: Fear of a Black Planet
Public Enemy: There's a POISON Goin On..
Public Enemy: Revolverlution
Public Enemy: It Takes a Nation: The First London Invasion Tour 1987
Public Enemy: Power to the People and the Beats
Public Enemy: New Whirl Odor
Public Enemy: Rebirth of a Nation
Public Enemy: Bring That Beat Back: The Public Enemy Remix Project
Public Enemy: Beats and Places
Public Enemy: How You Sell Soul to a Soulless People Who Sold Their Soul
Public Enemy: Nothing Is Quick in the Desert
Pudgee Tha Phat Bastard: Give 'Em the Finger
Puff Daddy & The Family: No Way Out
Pugs Atomz: Conversations with a Chamelion
Pugs Atomz: Roof Top
Pugs Atomz & Grant Parks: Kinda Like a Rapper
Pumpkinhead: A Beautiful Mind EP
Pumpkinhead: Orange Moon Over Brooklyn
Punchline & DJ Soulclap: Underground Superstars
Purify: Remixes Felt
Purple City: Road to the Riches: The Best of the Purple City Mixtapes
Purple City: Paris to Purple City
Purpose & Confidence: The Purpose of Confidence
Pusha T: Fear of God II: Let Us Pray
Pusha T: Wrath of Caine
Pusha T: My Name Is My Name
Pusha T: King Push - Darkest Before Dawn: The Prelude
Pusha T: Daytona
Pvt Militant: One Man Against Many
The Qemists: Spirit in the System
QM & Ben Waid: I Shoulda Been a Surfer
QN5 Music: Baby Blue For Pink
Q-Z, Keak Da Sneak, Baby S: Word Pimpin 2
Q Strange: Creation to ExeQtion
Q Strange: Strangeland
Q-Tip: Amplified
Q-Tip: The Renaissance
Quakers: Quakers
Quanstar: The Underdog
Quanstar: 4/11
Quanstar: Momentum
Quanstar: Yo Soy La Mierda
Quasimoto: The Unseen
Quasimoto: The Further Adventures of Lord Quas
Quasimoto: Yessir Whatever
Queen LEFT: D8
Queen Pen: My Melody
Queen Pen: Conversations With Queen
Quelle Chris: Niggas Is Men
Quest-Rah & Scarab: Red Alert
Quest-Rah: Ancient Tapes Volume 1
Quest Rah: Ancient Tapes Vol. 2 - The Lost Art
Quez: Declaring Shenanigans!!!
Q-Unique: Vengeance Is Mine
Quite Nyce: Powermoves
Quite Nyce: The D.O.N. (Definition of Nyce)
Qwazaar & Batsauce: Bat Meets Blaine
Qwel and Maker: So Be It
Qwel and Maker: Owl
Qwel & Maker: Beautiful Raw
Qwiet: Rhyme + Revolution
Qwiet: Return with Honor (Rhyme + Revolution Volume 2)
R8ed R: The G.O.A.T.
Rabbi Darkside: Building the Better Bomb
Radius: Neighborhood Suicide
RADIx: Prelude to the Staple
RADIx: The Staple
Rae Sremmurd: SremmLife
Raekwon the Chef: Only Built 4 Cuban Linx...
Raekwon the Chef: Immobilarity
Raekwon: The Lex Diamond Story
Raekwon: Only Built 4 Cuban Linx... Pt. II
Raekwon: Shaolin vs. Wu-Tang
Raekwon: Fly International Luxurious Art
Raekwon: The Wild
Rag'n'Bone Man: Human
Ragz Mo' Rocka: The Ripple Effect
Rah Digga: Dirty Harriet
Rah Digga: Classic
Raheem: Vigilante
Rahiem Supreme: Lost Gemz
Rahzel: Make the Music 2000
Rahzel: Rahzel's Greatest Knockouts
Rainman: Bigga Than Life - The Mixtape
Rainman: Bigga Than Life
Raja: The Lavish Collection
Raja: Come Along With Me
Raja: Enjoy the Ride
Raphi: Cali Quake
Rakim: The 18th Letter
Rakim: The Master
Rakim: Live, Lost & Found: The Archive
Rakim: The Seventh Seal
Ramondo Emerson: Holy Wrath
Random Axe: Random Axe
Randy Mason vs. On the Prowl: Fresh Air
Ransom: The Proposal
Ransom: Soul Killa
Raplords: #Raplords
Rapper Big Pooh: The Delightful Bars
Rapper Big Pooh: Dirty Pretty Things
Rapper Big Pooh: Words Paint Pictures
Rapper Shane: Too Busy to Be This Broke
Rapsody: The Idea of Beautiful
Rapsody: The Beauty and the Beast
Rapsody: Laila's Wisdom
RAS aka Lil' Raskull: The Buzz Word
Rasaq & Chamillionaire: Ghetto Status
Rasaq Boy featuring 50/50 Twin: Royal Green: Street Series, Vol.1
Rascalz: Cash Crop
Rascalz: Global Warning
Rasco: Escape From Alcatraz
Rasco: The Dick Swanson Theory
Ras G: Brotha From Another Planet
Ras G: Back on the Planet
Rashad & Confidence: The Element of Surprise
Isaiah Rashad: Cilvia Demo
Rasheeda: Dirty South
Rasheeda: A Ghetto Dream
Rasheeda: Dat Type of Gurl
Rasheeda: Certified Hot Chick
Rashenal: Life Learner
Ras Kass: Soul On Ice (Demo)
Ras Kass: Soul On Ice
Ras Kass: Rassassination
Ras Kass: Eat or Die
Ras Kass: Institutionalized Volume 2
Ras Kass: A.D.I.D.A.S. (Relaced)
Ras Kass: Barmageddon
Ras Kass: Intellectual Property: SOI2
Ras Kass: Soul On Ice Revisted
Rasul: Writing Colours
RA the Rugged Man: Die, Rugged Man, Die
RA the Rugged Man: Legends Never Die
Ravage: Accusations of Treachery
Ravage the MeccaGodZilla: American Monsta
Raw Produce: The Feeling of Now
Raw Produce: Selling Celery to Get a Salary
Raxstar: Late on Time
Ray Cash: Cash on Delivery
Raydar Ellis & Quite Nyce: Champs Vs. the League
Razor: Progression
R.B.L. Posse: A Lesson to Be Learned
Readywriter: Conduit
Readywriter: Paradyme Shift
Rearranged: Free Association Music Vol. 2 Lyrical Slaughter
Reason: Gemini Slang
The Reavers: Terror Firma
Rebel MC: Black Meaning Good
Rec-League: Season Two
Red Ants: Phobos Deimos
Red Ants: Omega Point
Redd Da Killer Bee: Birth By Sleep
Redeye: Bloodshot
Redhead Kingpin and the F.B.I.: A Shade of Red
Redman: Whut? Thee Album
Redman: Dare Iz a Darkside
Redman: Muddy Waters
Redman: Doc's Da Name 2000
Redman: Malpractice
Redman: Red Gone Wild
Redman: Redman Presents... Reggie
Redman: Mudface
Red Mcfly: Takeflight
Red Pill: Please Tip Your Driver
Red Pill & Hir-O: The Kick
Red Pill: Learning to Punch EP
Red Pill: Look What This World Did To Us
Red Pill & Ill Poetic: Instinctive Drowning (Instrumentals)
Reds: Raiders of the Lost Art
Reef the Lost Cauze: Feast or Famine
Reef the Lost Cauze: Long Live the Cauze Vol. 2
Reef the Lost Cauze: A Vicious Cycle
Reef the Lost Cauze vs Guns-n-Butter: Fight Music
Reef the Lost Cauze & Snowgoons: Your Favorite MC
(Reflection Eternal are) Talib Kweli & Hi Tek: Train of Thought
Reflection Eternal: Revolutions Per Minute
John Regan: Sorry I'm Late
Regenerated Headpiece: Rat Race Vacation
Regenerated Headpiece: Dog Fight
Regenerated Headpiece: The New Animal
The Regiment: The Come Up
The Regiment: A New Beginning
The Regiment: The Panic Button
The Regiment x Random: A Gamer's Anthem
Reginald: Man Behind the Mask
Rehab: Graffiti the World
Reks: Grey Hairs
Reks: More Grey Hairs
Reks: Rhythmatic Eternal King Supreme
Reks: Straight, No Chaser
Reks: Revolution Cocktail
Rekstizzy: Fake It Till You Naked
Rekstizzy: Whatever You Say
Relic: The Green Light
Relic (Rel McCoy): Miles to Go
Relic (Rel McCoy): The 13th Floor
Rel!g!on: Revelationz I
Remedy: Code:Red
Remedy: It All Comes Down to This
Remote Control Frequencies: Tempus
Remy Ma: There's Something About Remy
Remz: Consequence & Chaos EP
Rentz: 1981
The Representatives: Intelligent Design
Requiem: Grassroots Anarchy
Requiem: Digital Blues
The Residents: Open House
Retch: Polo Sporting Goods
John Reuben: Hindsight
Re-Up Gang: Clipse Presents: Re-Up Gang
The Revelations f/ Tre' Williams: Deep Soul
Reverend Jim: Days That End in Why
Revolution of the Mind: Honor in Sin
Rev Run: Distortion
The Reyes Brothers: Ghetto Therapy
R.H. Bless: Bring That Beat Back
Rhyme Asylum: Solitary Confinement
Rhymefest: Blue Collar
Rhymefest: Mark Ronson Presents Rhymefest - Man in the Mirror
Rhymefest: The Manual
Rhymefest: El Che
Rhyme Scheme: For My People
Rhyme Village: Carcass in the Desert
Rhythmicru: Open Canvas
Rhythmicru: SuperToke 2
Ric-A-Che: Lack of Communication
Ric Atari: Songs in the Key of Autotune
Ricca Razor Sharp: Causeways & C-Trains
Rich Boy: Rich Boy
Rich Bums: Defenders of the Crown
Richh J: Profile
Richie Branson: Otaku Tuesdays
Richie Rich: The Game
Richie Rocket: Zero Gravity
Rich Quick: Sad Songz EP
Rick Rock: Rocket - The Album
Rick Ross: Port of Miami
Rick Ross: Rise to Power
Rick Ross: Trilla
Rick Ross: Deeper Than Rap
Rick Ross: Teflon Don
Rick Ross: Rich Forever
Rick Ross: God Forgives, I Don't
Rick Ross: Mastermind
Rick Ross: Hood Billionaire
Rick Ross: Black Market
Rick Ross: Rather You Than Me
Ricky Rude: Ready to Live
Rift & Savilion: Carry the Fire
Rihanna: Rated R
Rihanna: Anti
Rime Royal: The Royalties EP
R.I.P. Cadence: The Next Shade of Grey
Rise: Stand Strong AIM Part 2
Rising Sunz: Verbal Evolution
Rita J.: Artist Workshop
Ritmo Machine: Welcome to the Ritmo Machine
The Ritz: The Night of Day
Chris Rivers: Delorean
Rizzle Kicks: Stereo Typical
RJ: Schema Things Mixtape
RJD2: The Horror
RJD2: Since We Last Spoke
RJD2: Magnificent City Instrumentals
RJD2: The Third Hand
Roach Gigz: B---h, I'm a Player
Roast: 5'9" and Rising
Roast: 40 Dayz & 40oz.'s
Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock: It Takes Two
Rob Base: The Incredible Base
Robby Wildebeat: My Salad Days, Vol. One
Evan Roberts: Outta Hear EP
Rob Giano and Sinuous: Dope Lab Oration
John Robinson: I Am Not For Sale
John Robinson & Chief: We the Prolific
Rob Rush: Childhood Hero
Rob Sonic: Telicatessen
Rob Swift: Soulful Fruit
Robust: Fillin in the Potholes
Roc 'C': All Questions Answered
Roc-C & Rapper Big Pooh: Trouble in the Neighborhood
Rock Mecca: Pirate Radio Star
Rock Mecca: Ironworld
Rock Most: Rise & Shine
Rocko: Self-Made
Rock of Heltah Skeltah: Shell Shock: The Official Mixtape
Roc Marciano: Reloaded
Roc Marciano: Marcberg
Roc Marciano: The Pimpire Strikes Back
Roc Marciano: Marci Beaucoup
Roc Marciano: Rosebudd's Revenge
Roc Raida: Champion Sounds
Rodan: Theophany
Roddy Rod: Oakwood Grain II
Carmen Rodgers: Stargazer
Rodney O & Joe Cooley: Veteran's Day
Roga Raph: Nostalgiks
Rogue Tendency: RTep
Rolling Stoned: Space Cake
Romanowski: Steady Rocking Inna Jamaican Stylee
Rome Fortune: Beautiful Pimp
Ron Contour and Factor: Saffron
Rondo Brothers: The Foreign Globester
Ronin: Faster & Faster
Roosevelt Franklin: Something's Gotta Give
Rootbeer: Pink Limousine
The Roots: Organix
The Roots: Illadelph Halflife
The Roots: Things Fall Apart
The Roots: Phrenology
The Roots: The Tipping Point
The Roots: Home Grown! The Beginner's Guide to Understanding The Roots, Volume One
The Roots: Home Grown! The Beginner's Guide to Understanding The Roots, Volume Two
The Roots: Game Theory
The Roots: The Best Of...
The Roots: Rising Down
The Roots: How I Got Over
The Roots & John Legend: Wake Up!
The Roots: undun
The Roots: ...And Then You Shoot Your Cousin
Roots Manuva: Brand New Second Hand
Roots Manuva: Run Come Save Me
Roots Manuva: Slime and Reason
Roots Manuva: 4everevolution
Roots Manuva: Bleeds
Rorschack f/ T.O.N.E.-z: Handcuffs
Rosco: The Album
Roscoe: Young Roscoe Philaphornia
Roundtable MC's: Table Manners
Roxanne Shante: The Best of Cold Chillin' - Roxanne Shante
Royal Flush: Street Boss
Royal Flush: Ghetto Millionaire
Royal Flush: Grand Papa Tra Presents Royal Flush - Grand Capo
royceBIRTH: Caesar Is Home
royceBIRTH: Art On Fire!!
Royce Da 5'9": Rock City v.2.0
Royce Da 5'9: Build and Destroy
Royce Da 5'9": Death Is Certain
Royce Da 5'9": M.I.C. (Make it Count)
Royce Da 5'9": Independent's Day
Royce Da 5'9": The Bar Exam
Royce Da 5'9": Bar Exam 2
Royce Da 5'9": The Album
Royce Da 5'9": The Revival EP
Royce Da 5'9": Street Hop
Royce Da 5'9": Bar Exam 3
Royce Da 5'9": Success Is Certain
Royce Da 5'9" & Nottz: Lost Files
Royce Da 5'9": Book of Ryan
Roy Jones, Jr.: Roy Jones, Jr. Presents Body Head Bangerz Volume One
R-Swift: Apply Pressure
Ruane Maurice: Ruane Maurice
Rubberoom: Architechnology
Ursula Rucker: Supa Sista
Ursula Rucker: She Said
Kevin Rudolf: In the City
Kevin Rudolf: To the Sky
Ruggedman: Ruggedy Baba
Rugged N Raw: Anomaly Book 2
Rummage: Thahandclaspinduction
Run-D.M.C.: Run-D.M.C.
Run-D.M.C.: Raising Hell (Deluxe Edition)
Run-D.M.C.: Down with the King
Run-D.M.C.: Crown Royal
Run the Jewels: Run the Jewels (El-P & Killer Mike)
Run the Jewels: Run the Jewels 2 (El-P & Killer Mike)
Run the Jewels: Meow the Jewels (El-P & Killer Mike)
Run the Jewels: Run the Jewels 3 (El-P & Killer Mike)
Russ: ZOO
Ruste Juxx: Indestructible
Ruthless Rap Assassins: Killer Album
RZA: Bobby Digital in Digital Bullet
RZA: The World According to RZA
RZA: Birth of a Prince
RZA as Bobby Digital: Digi Snacks
RZA: Afro Samurai: Resurrection
Saafir: Boxcar Sessions
Saafir: Good Game: The Transition
Saba: ComfortZone
Sabac: Sabacolypse - A Change Gon' Come
Sadat X: Wild Cowboys
Sadat X: Experience & Education
Sadat X: Black October
Sadat X: Brand New Bein'
Sadat X: Wild Cowboys II
Sadat X: Never Left
Sadat X: Agua
Sadistik: The Balancing Act
Sadistik & Kid Called Computer: The Art of Dying
Sadistik & Kristoff Krane: Prey for Paralysis
Sadistik: Flowers For My Father
Sadistik: Altars
Sadistik: Ultraviolet
Sadistik x Kno: Phantom Limbs
Sadistik: Salo Sessions
Sage Francis: Sick of Waiting Tables
Sage Francis: Personal Journals
Sage Francis & Gruvis Malt: Dead Poet, Live Album
Sage Francis: A Healthy Distrust
Sage Francis: Human the Death Dance
Sage Francis: Sick of Wasting...
Sage Francis: Li(f)e
Sage Francis: Copper Gone
Sage the Gemini: Remember Me
Sahtyre: The Buddha 2.0
Saigon: Warning Shots
Saigon: Warning Shots 2
Saigon: The Greatest Story Never Told
Saigon: The Greatest Story Never Told Chapter 2: Bread and Circuses
Saigon: G.S.N.T.3. - The Troubled Times of Brian Carenard
Saint: About Time
Hasan Salaam: Music Is My Weapon
Salva: Peacemaker
Rahim Samad: Travel Properly
Rahim Samad: Broken Barriers II
Sam Khan: Only One Me
Cale Sampson: Cale Sampson
Cale Sampson: The Big Picture
Sam Scarfo x Ski Beatz: 5 Million Stories
Samurai Guru: Glitch
Sandpeople: All in Vain
Sandpeople: Honest Racket
Sandpeople: Long Story, Short...
Sankofa: Still Means Something
Sankofa: The '06
Sankofa: The Tortoise Hustle
Sankofa: Music With Friends 1
Sankofa: Music With Friends Vol. 2
Sankofa: The Bowl of Politics EP
Sankofa: Music With Friends Volume 3
Sankofa: Music With Friends Vol. 4
Sankofa: Just Might Be
Sankofa: Charles Oakley at The Movies
Sankofa: Ink From Rust
San Quinn: The Rock: Pressure Makes Diamonds
Santogold: Santogold
Pete Santos: Riding to the Tune of Time
Pete Santos: Our Lives Begin
Pete Santos: Paint the Picture
Sa-Ra Creative Partners: Sa-Ra: The Hollywood Recordings
Sarai: The Original
Sareem Poems: Black and Read All Over Deluxe Edition
Sareem Poems & Ess Be: Beautiful Noise
S.A.R.S.: Sick Artists Runnin' S--t Volume 2 - The Outbreak
S.A.S Eurogang: Best of S.A.S
Sauce Money: Middle Finger U
Saukrates: Season One
Savage: Savage Island
Savant of RAREBREED: The Delayed Entry EP
Savzilla: The Beast Within
Scarface: Mr. Scarface Is Back
Scarface: The Diary
Scarface: The Untouchable
Scarface: My Homies
Scarface: Last of a Dying Breed
Scarface: The Fix
Scarface: Balls and My Word
Scarface: My Homies Part 2
Scarface: Made
Scarface: Emeritus
Scarface: Scarface Presents Dopeman Music
Scarface: Deeply Rooted
Scarface: Deeply Rooted (The Lost Files)
Scavie Scoobs: Trap Star Volume One
Sceptic and Dseeva: Hip Hop Psykosis
Sceptic and Dseeva: Calm Before the Storm
Scheme: Life That I Chose
ScholarMan: Soul Purpose
ScholarMan: Gameshift - The Movement
ScholarMan: Free Spirit of a Troubled Soul
ScholarMan: Fatherhood Dreamlovers Mix EP
ScHoolboy Q: Habits & Contradictions
ScHoolboy Q: Oxymoron
ScHoolboy Q: Blank Face LP
Schoolly D: The Best of Schoolly D
Schwesta Ewa: Kurwa
Science Fiction: Walls Don't Exist
Scientifik: Criminal
Scientist: The Best Dub Album in the World
Scienz of Life: Coming Forth by Day
Scienz of Life: Project Overground - The Scienz Experiment
SciFi Stu: From the Heaviest Heart to the Coldest Soul
Scoop: Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Scor-Zay-Zee: Aeon: Peace to the Puzzle
Scotopic: Scotopic
Scott Burns: Day 1
Gil Scott-Heron: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Gil Scott-Heron: I'm New Here
Scram Jones: Loose Cannons - The Mixtape
Scratch: The Embodiment of Instrumentation
Scratch: Loss 4 Words
Screwball: Y2K
Screwball: Loyalty
Scribbling Idiots: The Have Nots
ScriliCON: 2 Steps Left of Center
Scripts 'N Screwz: The New Noise
Scuba Chicken: Slim on Da Rise
Scuba Chicken and Tha PHD Boyz: Let's Play Doctor
Scuba Chicken AKA Scuba Slim: Quantity Over Quality
Sean Broxxx: Life of a Legend
Sean E Depp: Dude Rap EP
Sean Hines: The Theory
Sean Paul: Dutty Rock
Sean Paul: The Trinity
Sean Paul: Imperial Blaze
Sean Price: Monkey Barz
Sean Price: Jesus Price Superstar
Sean Price: Master P
Sean Price: Kimbo Price
Sean Price: Mic Tyson
Sean Price & M-Phazes: Land of the Crooks
Sean Price: Imperius Rex
Sean Strange: Street Urchin
Sean Toure': Soundchanneler, The Invisible Man
Seattle Rain: The Storm
Second Family: Caskets and Funeral Homes
Seel Fresh: Street Famous
S.E.L.F. of Lotus Tribe: The Art & War of Misanthropic Philanthropy
Self Scientific: The Self Science
Self Scientific: Self Scientific Presents Gods and Gangsters
Semi Hendrix: Breakfast at Banksy's
Sen Dog: Diary of a Mad Dog
Senim Silla: The Name The Motto The Outcome
Senor Kaos: The Kaos Effect
Sentence: Bomb Shelter Poetry
Sepalot: Red Handed
Serengeti: Noodle Arm Whimsy
Serengeti and Polyphonic: Terradactyl
Serengeti: C.A.R.
Serengeti: Kenny Dennis III
Serge Severe: Concrete Techniques
Serge Severe: Back On My Rhymes
Serial Killers: Serial Killers Volume 1
Serial MC's: Volume 2
Erick Sermon: No Pressure
Erick Sermon: Double or Nothing
Erick Sermon: Music
Erick Sermon: React
Erick Sermon: Chilltown, New York
Erick Sermon: Breath of Fresh Air
Erick Sermon: E.S.P. (Erick Sermon's Perception)
Seth Sentry: This Was Tomorrow
Seven Gems: Golden Era Music Sciences
Seven Star: Alternate Invention
Several Active Minds: Constructicon Mathematics
Several Active Minds: Shogun Craftsman
Sev Statik: Speak Life
Sev Statik: Slow Burn
Sexy Delicious: Too Hot to Bother
Shabaam Sahdeeq: Keepers of the Lost Art
Shabaam Sahdeeq: Modern Artillery
Shabazz Palaces: Shabazz Palaces
Shabazz Palaces: Of Light
Shabazz Palaces: Black Up
Shabazz Palaces: Lese Majesty
Shabazz Palaces: Live at Third Man Records
Shad: When This Is Over
Shad: The Old Prince
Shad: TSOL
Shadez: Thee Impossible
Shafiyq: Da Big Apple 2 Da Big Orange
Shambhala: The Lotus of...
$hamrock: Tha WyteRapper $how
Kenny Shane: Eastbound & Gawn
Kenny Shane: The Gawn LP
Shane Kidd: Learn to Live EP
Shao Sosa: The Gateway Drug
The Shapeshifters: The ShapeShifters Was Here
Sharkey: Sharkey's Machine
Sharkey & C-Rayz Walz: Monster Maker
Sha Stimuli and DJ Victorious: March on Washington
Sha Stimuli: Lazarus
Shaun Scales: Yours Truly Shaun Scales
Shawn Lov: Grotesque Heads
Shawnna: Worth the Weight
Shawnna: Block Music
Shawty Lo: Units in the City
Shaya: Fallen Awake
Shazzy: Attitude: A Hip-Hop Rapsody
Anthony J. Shears: The Growth: My Endtroduction
Sheek Louch: Walk Witt Me
Sheek Louch: After Taxes
Sheek Louch: Year of the Wolf
Sheek Louch: Silverback Gorilla
Sheek Louch: Extinction (Last of a Dying Breed) Mixtape
Sheek Louch: Life on D-Block
Sheena G: The First Class
Ed Sheeran: + (Plus)
Shelah: This is No Illusion (Con or Artist)
Shep Dog: Underground Strong + Pimp N' Ho Mixtape
Shiest: They Call Me Shiest
Sheisty Khrist & LoFidel: Cold Winter
Shifty: Happy * Love * Sick
Shing02: 400 Instrumentals
Shinobi Ninja: Brooklyn to Babylon
Shizzio: The Scrap Book, Volume I
Shlohmo: Laid Out
Sho Baraka: Talented 10th
Sho Baraka: The Narrative
Shop Boyz: Rockstar Mentality
Shorts: Long Story Short 2
Shortfyuz: Lostsol '96
Shorty O: Death Notice
Shortyo: King of the Kounty
The Shotgun Wedding Quintet: Tales From the Barbary Coast
Shottie & TeV95: Delorean
Show: Street Talk
Showbiz & AG: Party Groove/Soul Clap EP
Show & A.G.: Goodfellas
Showbiz f/ KRS-One: Godsville
Showbiz: A-Room Therapy
Showbiz & A.G.: Take It Back
Shtar: Infinity
Shug: 86 the Madness
Shuko & Dutchmaster: The Foundation
Shuko: For the Love of It
Shunda K: I'm Da Best
Shut-Ins and the Colony: Underwrought (Re)Works
Shyne: Shyne
Shyne: Godfather Buried Alive
Shyne: Gangland
Shyste: The Exception
Sick For Brains: Lifestyles of the Sick and Heinous
Sick Jacken: Stray Bullets
Sicko Mobb: Super Saiyan Vol. 1
Side Effect: Dirt Hustlin'
Side Effect: Grown Man Grizzly
Side-FX: Creative Control
SigNif: Friction
Signifire: The 147th Best MC You've Ever Heard Of
Silentarmy: The Effects of Self EP
Silent Eclipse: Psychological Enslavement
Silent Lambs Project: Soul Liquor
Silkk the Shocker: My World, My Way
Silkk the Shocker: Based on a True Story
Silversmiths: The Algol Paradox
The Silversmiths: A Tandem of Giants
Silver Synth: Slang Banging (Return to Analog)
Simken Heights: Jack or Die
Sims (Doomtree): More Than Ever
Reese Simmons: I See Your Motive
Single Minded Pros: From Now On
Sintax.The.Terrific: Simple Moves
Sinthesis: Movement 4:6
Sir Michael Rocks: Premier Politics 1.5
Sir Mix-A-Lot: Swass
Sir Mix-A-Lot: Seminar
Sir Mix-A-Lot: Mack Daddy
Sir Mix-A-Lot: Daddy's Home
Sister Crayon: Cynic EP
Sister Crayon: Still||Cynic
Sivion: Mood Enhancement
Sivion: Group Therapy
Sizzla: The Messiah
Skandal & Beat Butcha: A Quick Snack EP
Skepta: Konnichiwa
Skillz: Confessions of a Ghostwriter
Skillz: The Million Dollar Backpack
Skillz: The World Needs More Skillz
Skillz: Thoughts Become Things
Skinny Corleone: Tha House of Representativez
SKIP-DAWG: The Illest Emcee
Skip-Dawg: We Will Rise
Skip-Dawg: Trust Me, I'm a Rapper
Skipp Whitman: Whitman Can't Jump
Skope MC: A Play on Words
Skratch Bastid: Blazin
Skratch Bastid et al: Taking Care of Business
Skratch Bastid: Get Up!
Skratch Comando: Incredible DJ's
Skrein: The Eat Up
Skreintax: Scene Stealers
Skribbal: Skinwalker
Skrilla UGQ: Certified Queen
SkyBlew: SkyBlew's UNModern Life
SkyBlew: Race For Your Life, SkyBlew
SkyBlew: SkyBlew the Cowardly Boy
Skylar Johnson: Killinesses
Skyzoo: The Salvation
Skyzoo & !llmind: Live From the Tape Deck
Skyzoo: A Dream Deferred
Skyzoo & Torae: Barrel Brothers
Skyzoo: Music For My Friends
Skyzoo: Peddler Themes
Skyzoo: In Celebration of Us
Slaine: A World With No Skies
Slaine: A World With No Skies 2.0
Slaine: The Boston Project
Slaine: The King of Everything Else
Slakah the Beatchild: Soul Movement vol. 1
Slaughterhouse: Slaughterhouse
Slaughterhouse: Slaughterhouse EP
Slaughterhouse: On the House Mixtape
Slaughterhouse: Welcome To: Our House
Slaughterhouse: House Rules
Sleaford Mods: Divide and Exit
Sleep: Oregon Failure
Sleepyeye Entertainment: The State of New Jersey vs. Sleepyeye Entertainment - Guilty Til Proven Innocent
Slept On Fam: Audio Crack
Slick Rick: The Great Adventures of Slick Rick
Slick Rick: The Art of Storytelling
Slightly Stoopid: Top of the World
Slimkid3 & DJ Nu-Mark: Slimkid3 & DJ Nu-Mark
Slimm Cutta Calhoun: The Skinny
Slim The Mobster: War Music
Slim Thug: Already Platinum
Slim Thug: Already Platinum Chopped & Screwed
Slim Thug: Boss of All Bosses
Slim Thug: Tha Thug Show
Slim Thug: Thug Thursday
Slo Poke: The Appreciation Of...
Slug & MURS: Felt 3: A Tribute to Rosie Perez
The Slug Crumbs: The Diatomaceous Earth EP
Slum Village: Fantastic Vol. 2
Slum Village: Trinity (Past, Present and Future)
Slum Village: Detroit Deli
Slum Village: Prequel to a Classic
Slum Village: Slum Village
Slum Village: Villa Manifesto
Slum Village & Mick Boogie: The Dirty Slums 2
Slum Village: Evolution
Slum Village: Yes!
Sly & Robbie/Amp Fiddler: Inspiration Information
Small Eyez: Vipassana
Small Professor: Gigantic, Vol. 0
Small Professor: Gigantic, Vol. 1
Small Professor: Mixed Jawns
Small Professor: Nasty Jawns
Small Professor: Mixed Jawns II
Small Professor: Nasty Jawns II
Small Professor: Mixed Jawns III
Smash Brothers: Fear Factor
Smif-N-Wessun: Dah Shinin'
Smif-N-Wessun: Still Shinin - The Mix
Smif 'N' Wessun: Reloaded
Smif-N-Wessun: The Album
Smiler: The Coming
Smiley the Ghetto Child: The Antidote
Smilez & Southstar: Crash the Party
Jahshua Smith: The Final Season
Odin Smith: Antenna
Will Smith: Born to Reign
Will Smith: Lost and Found
Will Smith: Greatest Hits
Smoke DZA: Rugby Thompson
Smoke DZA & 183rd: Ringside EP
Smoke DZA x Pete Rock: Don't Smoke Rock
Smokehouse Junkiez: Act 1: Inhale the Violence
Smooty: Tame the Dark EP
Smoov-E: Breakdance
Smoov-E: Jessica Gets Jealous
Smut Peddlers: Porn Again
Sneakas: Hebonics 101
Sneakas: There's a Rapp For That
SNICKA: SNICKA Presents Biggie Blendz
Snoop Doggy Dogg: Doggystyle
Snoop Dogg: No Limit Top Dogg
Snoop Dogg: Dead Man Walkin
Snoop Dogg: Tha Last Meal
Snoop Dogg: Paid Tha Cost to Be Da Bo$$
Snoop Dogg: R&G (Rhythm & Gangsta) - The Masterpiece
Snoop Dogg: The Best of Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg: Tha Blue Carpet Treatment
Snoop Dogg: Ego Trippin'
Snoop Dogg: Malice N Wonderland
Snoop Dogg: More Malice
Snoop Dogg: Doggumentary
Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa: Mac & Devin Go to High School Soundtrack
(Snoop Dogg) Snoop Lion: Reincarnated
Snoop Dogg: Bush
Snoop Dogg: Neva Left
Snootie Wild: Go Mode
Snowgoons: German Lugers
Snowgoons: Black Snow
Snowgoons: German Snow
Snowgoons: Kraftwerk
Snowgoons: Terroristen Volk
Snowgoons: Snowgoons Dynasty
Snowgoons: Black Snow 2
Snowgoons: Independent Warriors
Snowgoons: Gebrüder Grimm
Snowgoons: Goon Bap
Snow Tha Product: Good Nights and Bad Mornings 2
Tyson Snyder: Die to Pretend
SoberMinded: Points, Thoughts, and Stories
Sober Minded: Nature Hates a Vacuum
SoCalled: Ghettoblaster
SOK: Nut Casez
Soldjasoulz: Soulz of the Storm
Sole: Bottle of Humans
Sole: Selling Live Water
Sole and the Skyrider Band: Plastique
Sole & DJ Pain 1: Death Drive
Solid Entity: Worth the Weight
Solid Entity: Born Sick
Soliva Spit Society: Test the Waters EP
Solo For Dolo: The Truth For the Youth
Solo For Dolo: Self Titled
Solomon Childs: The King Kong of New York
Solow13: Warrior13
Solo.X: Black September EP
Solseekers: Halfway There
Sona the Voice: African Juju
Sonic Sum: Films
Sonnyjim: Trading Standards
Sonnyjim & Leaf Dog: How to Tame Lions
Sontiago: Steel Yourself
Jonathan Sosa: Red Couch Chronicles
So Solid Crew: They Don't Know
Soul Assassins: Intermission
Soulbrotha: The Ezekiel Hanani LP
Soulbrotha: 4letterwrd EP
Soulbrotha: The Upper Hand
Soulchef: Good Vibes
Souleye: Identified Time
Soulico: Exotic on the Speaker
Soulja Boy:
Soulja Boy: ¡SouljaBoyTellem
Soulja Boy: Superdope
Soul Khan: Soul Like Khan
Soul Khan: Wellstone EP
Soul Mafia: MK Ultra
Soulman: Neva Stop Diggin'
Soul Plasma: Simply Soul
Soul Position: Unlimited EP
Soul Position: 8 Million Stories
Soul Position: Things Go Better with RJ and Al
S.O.U.L. Purpose: The Construction
Souls of Mischief: '93 Til Infinity
Souls of Mischief: No Man's Land
Souls of Mischief: Montezuma's Revenge
Souls of Mischief & Adrian Younge: There Is Only Now
SoulStice: North by Northwest
Soulstice: Dead Letter Perfect
Soul Supreme: The Saturday Nite Agenda
Soul Supreme Presents: Soulmatic
Soulviet Union: Strength in Numbers (S.I.N.)
Sound Providers: An Evening With the Sound Providers
Sound Providers: Looking Backwards: 1998-2001
South Central Cartel: South Central Madness
South Circle: Anotha Day Anotha Balla
South Coast Ballers: South Coast Ballers
South Park Mexican: When Devils Strike
Sozay: Who Is Sozay
SpaceGhostPurrp: Mysterious Phonk
Space Invadas: Done It Again EP
Spaceman Beaumonte: From Me to You Enjoy
Spacesuits: Spacesuits
Spank Rock: YoYoYoYoYo
Spank Rock and Benny Blanco: Bangers & Cash
Spank Rock: Everything Is Boring and Everybody Is a F-cking Liar
Spazz: Let's Get it Sparkin
Special Ed: Youngest in Charge
Special Teamz: Stereotypez
Spectac & Amiri: Soul Beautiful
Spectac & Shakim: For the People
Speech: The Vagabond
Speech Debelle: Speech Therapy
Speech Debelle: Freedom of Speech
Speech Defect: Freshcoast Gettin' Rowdy
Speedknot Mobstaz: Twista Presents Speedknot Mobstaz: Mobstability II
Spice 1: 187 He Wrote
Spice 1: Hits II * Ganked & Gaffled
Spice 1: Spiceberg Slim
Spice 1: The Ridah
Spice 1 and MC Eiht: The Pioneers
S.P.I.C.S.: Mental Advisory
Spider Loc: West Kept Secret: The Prequel
Spider Loc & Felli Fel: Connected
Spitball: Welcome to Spitsville
Spontaneous: Spur of the Moment Musik
Spooks: S.I.O.S.O.S. Volume 1
The Spooks: Faster Than You Know
Spoonie Gee: Godfather of Hip Hop
The Square Egg: Things Change
Square One: Walk of Life
Stack$: Crazee and Confuzed
Stank: Block Boy S--t Vol. 1
Stark Reality: Now
State Fam: Rap's Da New Wrestling
State of the Artist: Altered State
Statik KXNG: Statik KXNG
Statik Selektah: Statik Selektah Presents Spell My Name Right
Statik Selektah: Stick 2 the Script
Statik Selektah & Termanology: 1982
Statik Selektah: Population Control
Statik Selektah: Extended Play
Statik Selektah: Lucky 7
Statik Selektah: 8
Steddy P: Dear Columbia
Steele (of Smif N Wesson): Hotstyle Takeover
Stefon: Dislocated Joints
Steinski: What Does it All Mean? 1983-2006 Retrospective
Stengy: Goin' Ghetto Gold
Step Brothers (Evidence & Alchemist): Lord Steppington
Duane Stephenson: Black Gold
Stereo Boyz: Live from the Ghettoblaster
Stereo Boyz: Carz, Clubz & Theaterz
Tyler Steven: She Loves Me Not EP
Sticky Fingaz: Black Trash * The Autobiography of Kirk Jones
Sticky Fingaz: Decade
Stig of the Dump: Cannon Fodder EP
Stig of the Dump: Kubrick
Stimuli: Follow My Lead
Stimuli: Follow My Lead Vol. 2
S.T.L.: The Soundtrack
S.T.L.: Alright Already!!!
St. Lunatics: St. Lunatics EP
St. Lunatics: Free City
Storm Davis: Kegstand Poetry for the Recovering Alcoholic
Storm the Unpredictable: Amalgamation
Storm the Unpredictable: A2: What Should Have Been
Stormzy: Gang Signs & Prayer
Storyville: Escape Plan
Andy Stott: Faith in Strangers
Strange Fruit Project: The Healing
Strangelove: Purple EP
Stranger Day: Barstool Bounce
Strange Sanity: Strange Sanity
Street Connect: Street Connect
Street Justice: History in the Making
The Streets: Original Pirate Material
The Streets: A Grand Don't Come for Free
The Streets: Everything Is Borrowed
Street Sweeper Social Club: The Ghetto Blaster EP
Stretch Money: 25 Miles Per Hour
String Theory: String Theory
Strong Arm Steady: Deep Hearted
Strong Arm Steady: In Search of Stoney Jackson
STS: The Sole Music EP
Stu Dent: Nephilim/Acts of God 1
Styles: A Gangster and a Gentleman
Styles P: The Ghost in the Machine
Styles P: Time Is Money
Styles P: Independence
Styles P: Super Gangster (Extraordinary Gentleman)
Styles P: Phantom Gangster Chronicles, Volume 1
Styles P & DJ Green Lantern: The Green Ghost Project
Styles P: The Ghost Dub-Dime Mixtape
Styles P: Master of Ceremonies
Styles P: The World's Most Hardest MC Project
Styles P: Float
Styles P: Phantom and the Ghost
Styles of Beyond: 2000 Fold
Styles of Beyond: Megadef
Styles of Beyond: Reseda Beach
Subnoize Souljaz: Blast From Tha Past
SubNoize Souljaz: Underground Collabos
Substance Abuse: Background Music
Substantial: Substantial Evidence
Substantial: Home Is Where the Art Is
Substantial: The Past...
Subtitle/Anonymous: Appropriately Complex
Subtitle: I'm Always Recovering From Tomorrow
Subtle: A New White
Sudden Death: Fatal Accident Zone
Sudden Death: Fatal Error
Suff Daddy: Suff Refills
Suga Bear: On the Road to Riches
Suga Free: The New Testament
Suga Free: Just Add Water
Suga Free: Smell My Finger
Suga Free: Hi Power Pimpin'
Sugar Minott: Hard Time Pressure
SumKid: The Lil' Folk
S.U.N.: School of Thought
S.U.N.: The Art of S.U.N.
Sunny Vizion: Becoming a Man
Sun R.A.: Prisoners of War
Sun Rise Above: Every Day I Wake Up On the Wrong Side of Capitalism
Sunru: Eclipse
Sunset Terr: A Prelude to Sunset Terr
Sunset Terr: Sunrize
Sunspot Jonz: Don't Let Em Stop You
Supastition: 7 Years of Bad Luck
Supastition: The Deadline
Supastition: The Blackboard EP
Supastition: Honest Living
Supastition: Gold Standard
Super Chron Flight Brothers: Emergency Powers
Super Chron Flight Brothers: Cape Verde
Supernatural: The Lost Freestyles
Superstar Quamallah: Invisible Man
Supreeme: Supremacy
Supreme Ace: Timeless
Supreme General: The Supremacy EP
Supreme General: The Best of the Champions
The Sureshot Symphony Solution: Elegant Aggression
Suspekt: The Underground Strikes Back
Swag: The Blueprint of a Hustler
Swami Baracus: The Recipe
Swamp Thing: Creature Feature
Swamp Thing: Firedogs
Swamp Thing: Outer Limits
Swamp Thing: Planet Murk
Swave Sevah: Son of a One Armed Man
Sway: This Is My Demo
Sway: The Signature LP
Sway: The Delivery
Swayne the Wigsplita: Unlimited Thoughts
Sweatshop Union: Natural Progression
Sweatshop Union: United We Fall
Sweatshop Union: Water Street
Sweatshop Union: The Bill Murray EP
Sweatshop Union: Infinite
Swifty McVay: Grey Blood
Swigga: Ready to Live
Swishahouse: The Day Hell Broke Loose
Swishahouse: The Day All Hell Broke Loose 2
Swishahouse: 1st Round Draft Picks
Swishahouse Presents DJ Michael "5000" Watts: The Day Hell Broke Loose 3
Swizz Beatz: Swizz Beatz Presents Ghetto Stories
Swizz Beatz: One Man Band Man
Swollen Members: Balance
Swollen Members: Bad Dreams
Swollen Members: Heavy
Swollen Members: Black Magic
Swollen Members: Armed to the Teeth
Swollen Members: Greatest Hits: Ten Years of Turmoil
Swollen Members: Dagger Mouth
Swollen Members: Beautiful Death Machine
Swollen Members: Brand New Day
Syd: Always Never Home
Sylk-E. Fyne: Raw Sylk
Symmetry: Dusty Pickup
Syntax: Dialog'a'Rhythmic
Syntifik: The World I Live In
SZA: Ctrl
Tableturns Presents: Remaxing & Relaxing
Tack-Fu: Chained Reaction
Tack Fu: 85 Decibel Monks
Tajai: Power Movement
TAKE: The Plus Ultra EP
Talib Kweli & Hi Tek: Train of Thought
Talib Kweli: Quality
Talib Kweli: The Beautiful Mix CD
Talib Kweli: The Beautiful Struggle
Talib Kweli: Right About Now - The Official Sucka Free Mix CD
Talib Kweli & Madlib: Liberation
Talib Kweli: Ear Drum
(Talib Kweli + Hi-Tek are) Reflection Eternal: Revolutions Per Minute
Talib Kweli: Gutter Rainbows
Talib Kweli: Prisoner of Conscious
Talib Kweli & Styles P: The Seven
Tall T: Like No Other
Tame One: When Rappers Attack
Tame One: OG Bobby Johnson
Tame One: Spazmatic
Tangled Thoughts: Philly 2 Cali
Tanya Morgan: Moonlighting
Tanya Morgan: The Bridge
Tanya Morgan: Brooklynati
Tanya Morgan: You and What Army?
Tanya Morgan: Rubber Souls
Tariq L: Beatz in My Lifetime Volume 1.0
Tash: Control Freek
Taylormade: Bread, Blunts, & Broads
T.D.S. Mob: Treacherous, Devastating, Supreme
Team 220 Fam: Fam First EP
Team Demolition: Yo! TD Raps
Team Rezofficial: The World (And Everything in It)
Tech N9ne: Absolute Power + More Power
Tech N9ne: Vintage Tech
Tech N9ne: Everready (The Religion)
Tech N9ne: Collabos - Misery Loves Kompany
Tech N9ne: Killer
Tech N9ne: Sickology 101
Tech N9ne: King Of Darkness (K.O.D.)
Tech N9ne: The Lost Scripts of K.O.D.
Tech N9ne: The Gates Mixed Plate
Tech N9ne: All 6's and 7's
Tech N9ne: Welcome to Strangeland
Tech N9ne: Clusterfuk EP
Tech N9ne: Something Else
Tech N9ne: Strangeulation
Tech N9ne: Special Effects
Tech N9ne: Dominion
TeeFlii: AnnieRUO'Tay
TeeFLii: Starr
Teekay: Sunrise Soiree EP
Teflon: My Will
Tef Poe: Money Never Sleeps
Tela: The World Ain't Enuff
Tela: Double Dose
Teleseen: Fear of the Forest
Gabriel Teodros: lovework
Gabriel Teodros: Colored People's Time Machine
Termanology and DC: Out the Gate
Termanology: Hood Politics IV
Termanology: Politics As Usual
Termanology: G.O.Y.A. (Gunz Or Yay Available)
Termanology: More Politics
Terra Firma: Music to Live By
Terrence F: Enigma
The Terrorists: Detonate the Landmines
Terror Squad: The Album
Terror Squad: True Story
Terry Tha Rapman: Tha Rapman Beginz
TeV95: Crime Loops
Tha 4orce: Mind the Gap Anthems V2
Thaione Davis: Situation Revisited 1964
Thaione Davis: April-January
ThaPsalmist2: Under the Cover of Light
Tha Pumpsta: Bass Black Treble White
Themselves: The No Music
Themselves: theFREEHoudini
Them That Do: Them That Do
Theodore Unit: 718
Theophilus London: Vibes
Thes One: Lifestyle Marketing
Thirstin Howl III: Skillosopher
Thirstin Howl III: Skilligan's Island
Thirstin Howl the 3rd & Rack-Lo: Lo Down & Dirty
Thirstin Howl the 3rd: Skillmatic
The Threat: 4 the Block Mixtape Volume One
Three 6 Mafia: Choices - The Album
Three 6 Mafia: Da Unbreakables
Three 6 Mafia: Da Unbreakables (Screwed and Chopped)
Three 6 Mafia: Choices II - The Setup
Three 6 Mafia: Most Known Unknown
Three 6 Mafia: Most Known Hits
Three 6 Mafia: Last 2 Walk
Three Times Dope: Original Stylin'
Three Times Dope: Live From Acknickulous Land
Three Times Dope: The Sequel
T-Hud: Undrafted
T.H.U.G. Angelz: Welcome to Red Hook Houses
Thug Life: Thug Life: Volume 1
Thug Life Outlawz: Thug Law Chapter 1
Thump: Dramacydle
Thundamentals: Sleeping On Your Style
Thundamentals: Foreverlution
T.I.: I'm Serious
T.I.: Trap Muzik
T.I.: Urban Legend
T.I.: Urban Legend Chopped & Screwed
T.I.: King
T.I.: T.I. vs. T.I.P.
T.I.: Paper Trail
T.I.: No Mercy
T.I.: Trouble Man: Heavy Is the Head
T.I.: Paperwork
Tiger Shadow: The Adventures of the Tiger Shadow
Ana Tijoux: 1977
Timbaland & Magoo: Indecent Proposal
Timbaland & Magoo: Under Construction Part II
Timbaland: Timbaland Presents Shock Value
Timbaland: Timbaland Presents Shock Value II
Timbo King: From Babylon to Timbuk2
Timbuktu: Stranger Danger
Tim Dog: Penicillin on Wax
Tim Dog & Kool Keith: Project X: Iconic
Tim Dog: BX Warrior
Time: The Fantastic Reality
Time: Naked Dinner
Time: Newstalgia
Time Machine: Slow Your Roll
Tim Fite: Over the Counter Culture
Timid: InTimidation
Timid: No Time for the Jibba Jabba
TIMZ: Open for Business
Tinashe: Aquarius
Tinchy Stryder: Catch 22
Tinie Tempah: Disc-Overy
Tinie Tempah: Demonstration
Tink: Winter's Diary 2
Titan Clash: The Good vs. Evil EP
Tito V.: The Beginning of the End
Tizone: The Interpretation
T-K.A.S.H.: Turf War Syndrome
TLM: Acronyms
T-Nutty: Raw From Da Jaw
T-Nutty: Blue Venom
Toby: Evolutionary 2
TobyMac: Diverse City
Todd G: Bail Money
T.O.K.: Our World
Tona: Silverspring Crescent
Tone Atlas: Hors D'oeuvres EP
Tonedeff: Glutton
Tonedeff: Polymer
Tone Loc: Loc'ed After Dark (Deluxe Edition)
The Tones: Dreamtalk
Tone Tank and Scott Thorough: Scott and Tone
Tone Tone: D-Boy Fresh
Tone Trezure: My Destiny EP
Tonex: Unspoken
The Tongue: Bad Education EP
The Tongue: Shock and Awe
The Tongue: The Sextape
Tony D: Droppin' Funky Verses
Tony Hall: The Tony Hall Show
Tony Touch: The Piece Maker
Tony Touch: The Last of the Pro Ricans
Tony Touch: The Piece Maker II
Tony Touch: The Reggaetony Album
Tony Touch: The Piece Maker 3
Tony Yayo: Thoughts of a Predicate Felon
Toolshed: The Lost
Too Many T's: Running Wild EP
Too Phat: Plan B
Too Poetic: Droppin' Signal
Too $hort: Born to Mack
Too $hort: Life is... Too $hort
Too $hort: Short Dog's in the House
Too $hort: You Nasty
Too $hort: Chase the Cat
Too $hort: What's My Favorite Word
Too $hort: Married to the Game
Too $hort: Pimpin' Incorporated
Too $hort: Blow the Whistle
Too $hort: Get Off the Stage
Too $hort & Friends: I Love the Bay
Too $hort: The After Party
Too $hort: Still Blowin'
Too $hort: Respect the Pimpin'
Too $hort: No Trespassing
Top Choice Clique: Reel Chemistry - The Anthology
Top $ Raz: Spilled Milk
Too Strong: Rap Music Is Life Music
Topkat: Somethin' in the Music
Torae: Daily Conversation
Torae: For the Record
Torae: Entitled
Torii Wolf: Flow Riiot
Tor & Sufjan Stevens: Illinoize
Tornts: Hells Burn
Tornts: Deadbrain Diaries
Tornts: Concrete Slang
Tornts: Street Visions
Touch & The Dirty Sample: The Fly
Tow Down: By Prescription Only
T-Pain: Rapper Ternt Sanga
T-Pain: Epiphany
T-Pain: Pree Ringz (Da Mixtape)
T-Pain: Thr33 Ringz
T-Pain: rEVOLVEr
TQ: Paradise
T.Q.D.: Not Yet
T.Q.D.: Clench, Grit, Breathe
T.Q.D: Taketh Away
Tracey Lee: Many Facez
Track Lacer and Phat Daddy Bu: Ghettocentric II The Chitlin' Circuit
Trackstar the DJ: Still Dreaming VI
Trackstar the DJ: The Guest Chamber (Best of Wu-Tang Appearances)
Trademarc & DC: Black Ash Days
Trae: Losing Composure
Trae: Same Thing Different Day
Trae: Restless
Trae: Life Goes On
Trae: Street King
Trae Tha Truth & The World's Freshest: The Tonite Show
Trae Tha Truth: Tha Truth
(Tragedy the) Intelligent Hoodlum: Intelligent Hoodlum
Tragedy Khadafi: Still Reportin...
Tragedy Khadafi: Thug Matrix
Tragedy Khadafi: Thug Matrix 3
Tragedy Khadafi: The Pre Magnum Opus
Tragedy Khadafi & BP: Immortal Titans
Trailer Park Ninjas: Trailer Park Ninjas
Transit: Precrime
Travis Porter: Simply Stylez Presents Travis Porter - The Down Pour
Travis Scott: Rodeo
Travis Scott: Astroworld
Tree: Sunday School 2: When Church Lets Out
Tree: Trap Genius
Tree City: Black Trees
Tree City: The TreE.P.
Tree City: Thus Far
Tre Houston: Unorthodox
Trek Life: Everything Changed Nothing
Trek Life: Hometown Foreigner
Trends: This Is Not My World
Trends of Culture: Trendz...
Treologic: Colabo
Trey Songz: Trigga
A Tribe Called Quest: People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm
A Tribe Called Quest: The Low End Theory
A Tribe Called Quest: Midnight Marauders
A Tribe Called Quest: Beats, Rhymes and Life
A Tribe Called Quest: The Love Movement
A Tribe Called Quest: Hits, Rarities & Remixes
A Tribe Called Quest: We Got It From Here... Thank You 4 Your Service
Obie Trice: Cheers
Obie Trice: Second Round's on Me
Obie Trice: Special Reserve
Obie Trice: Bottoms Up
Obie Trice: The Hangover
Trick Daddy: Book of Thugs
Trick Daddy: Thugs Are Us
Trick Daddy: Thug Holiday
Trick Daddy: Thug Matrimony
Trick Daddy: Back by Thug Demand
Trick Daddy: Finally Famous: Born a Thug, Still a Thug
Trick Trick: The People Vs.
Trick Trick: The Villain
Tricky: Maxinquaye
Tricky: Pre-Millennium Tension
Tricky: ununiform
Trife Diesel: Better Late Than Never
Trigga Da Don: Grind Hard Vol. 1
The Trillionaires: By Hook or By Crook
Trina: Da Baddest B---h
Trina: Diamond Princess
Trina: Glamorest Life
Trina: Still Da Baddest
Trina: Amazin'
Trinidad James: Don't Be S.A.F.E.
Trinidad James: 10 Pc. Mild
Trinidad James: The Wake Up EP
Trinidad James: No One Is Safe
Triple C's: Rick Ross Presents Triple C's Black Flag Prequel
Triple Darkness: Anathema
Triple Darkness: Darker Than Black
The Triple Playaz: Escape From the Wasteland
Triple Playaz: Missile Ride
Triple Seis: Time'll Tell
Tristate x Oh No: 3 Dimensional Prescriptions
Trmndus and Slow Motion Soundz: Legends in the Making
Troy Ave: Major Without a Deal
Troy Walsh: Country Clubbin
TRU: The Truth
T.R.U.B.: G.O.D.'s Army Presents T.R.U.B.
Truce II Headrush: The Enigmatic
TrueBless: Mission IsPossible
True Da Hustla: The Force
Trump Tight: The Greatest Show on Earth
Trunk Bound Regime: Now You're All F---ed
Tru Paz: State of Emergency
Tru-Paz: The Young Nation EP
TRUTHLiVE: Patience
Tucker Booth: Tucker Booth 4 President
Tum Tum: Eat or Get Ate
The Tunnel Rats: Tunnel Vision
Tunsi: Special Delivery
Turbulence: Secret Society
Turf Talk: Turf Talk Brings the Hood Colabilation
Turk: Young & Thuggin'
Turk: Raw & Uncut
Turk: Penitentiary Chances
Twenty One Pilots: Vessel
Twice Thou: Bank Attack
Twin Hype: Double Barrel
Twin Peaks: Perfect Strangers EP
Twin Perils: Dark Alliance
Twin Perils: Word Supremacy
Twin Perils: Speak and Destroy
Twinz: Conversation
Twista: Adrenaline Rush
Twista: Kamikaze
Twista: Kamikaze (Re-Release)
Twista: The Day After
Twista: 2 for 10
Twista: Adrenaline Rush 2007
Twista: Category F5
Twista: The Perfect Storm
Twista: Dark Horse
Twisted Black: Late Bloomer
Twisted Black: Street Fame
Ty: Awkward
Ty Dolla Sign: Beach House EP
Ty Fyffe: Ty Fyffe presents... The Pyrex
Tyga: No Introduction
Tyga: Careless World: Rise of the Last King
Tyga: Hotel California
Tyga & Chris Brown: Fan of a Fan: The Album
Tyga: B---h I'm the S--t 2
Tyger Vinum: Sinister Ambitionz
Tyler, the Creator: Bastard
Tyler, the Creator: Goblin
Tyler, the Creator: Wolf
Tyler, the Creator: Cherry Bomb
Tyler, the Creator: Flower Boy
Tyme: The Screen EP
Tyn: Hidden Sources
Type 4: For Sale
TYPE 4: As Is
Typical Cats: Typical Cats
U-Fam: The War On Hip-Hop
UGK: The Southern Way
U.G.K. (Underground Kingz): Too Hard to Swallow
UGK: Supertight
UGK: Ridin' Dirty
UGK: Dirty Money
UGK: Best of UGK
UGK: Underground Kingz
UGK: UGK 4 Life
Ugly Duckling: Journey to Anywhere
Ugly Duckling: Taste the Secret
Ugly Duckling: Bang for the Buck
Ugly Heroes: Ugly Heroes EP
Ugly Heroes: Everything In Between
U-God: UGodz-Illa Presents the Hillside Scramblers
U-God: Dopium
U-God: The Keynote Speaker
Ultimate Force: I'm Not Playin'
Ultramaddness: Vomit
Ultramagnetic MC's: Critical Beatdown
Ultramagnetic M.C.'s: Funk Your Head Up
Ultramagnetic M.C.'s: The Basement Tapes 1984-1990
Ultramagnetic MC's: Mo Love's Basement Tapes
Ultramagnetic MC's: The Best Kept Secret
Ultra Magnus & DJ SLAM!: The Raw
Ultra Magnus & DJ SLAM!: Magnus Opus
uMaNg: The Revisited
Unagi: Unagi
Unagi: Reinventing the Eel
Uncle Ill: Y'all Know
Uncle Murda: Respect the Shooter
The Uncluded (Aesop Rock & Kimya Dawson): Hokey Fright
The UNDC Presents...: Closed Captioned
The Underachievers: Indigoism
Union Blak: Street English
Unique and Dashan: Black to the Future
The Unit: 100% Hater Proof
Unity Lewis: Audio Veve Pt. 1
Unk: Beat'n Down Yo Block
Unk: Second Season
Unkle Ho: Circus Maximus
Unknown Mizery & Logikal Ethix: It Will Fail...
Unknown Prophets: The Road Less Traveled
The Unseen: Drapetomania
Unseen Tekneeks: And Onward Goes This Thing of Ours...
Unsung Heroes: Unleashed
Upper Echelon: Tragedy 2 Triumph
Uptown XO: Colour de Grey
Urbanites: Pure Pressure
Urban Thermo Dynamics: Manifest Destiny
Urthboy: Distant Sense of Random Menace
Urthboy: The Signal
Urthboy: Spitshine
Us3: Broadway & 52nd
Us3: stop. think. run
Us3: Lie, Cheat & Steal
Us3: The Third Way (Hand on the Torch Vol. II)
UTP: Nolia Clap
Vado: Slime Flu
Vakill: The Darkest Cloud
Vakill: Worst Fears Confirmed
Vakill & Molemen: Kill 'Em All
Vakill: Armor of God
Vanderslice: The Best Album Money Can Buy
Variable Unit: Cold Flow
Varsay: The Grand Flipp EP
Vast Aire: Look Mom... No Hands
Vast Aire & Mighty Mi: The Best Damn Rap Show
Vast Aire: Dueces Wild
Vast Aire: OX 2010: A Street Odyssey
Venomous2000 The Ultra Emcee: A Moment to Reflect II
Vents: Hard to Kill
Veganz Want Beef: Vol. 1
Vell Bakardy: Genuine Liqua Hits
Velvet Trench Vibes: Opium Lounge
Verbal Kent: What Box
Verbal Kent: Move With the Walls
Verbal Kent: Save Yourself
Verbal Kent: Sound of the Weapon
Verbill: Verbill
Verb T: Verbs With a Vengeance
The Very Best: Esau Mwamwaya and Radioclit are the Very Best
VG Skillz: E.X.H.A.L.E.
V.I.C.: Beast
V-Ice: Bi-Polar
Viceverses: Native Blood
Vic Freeze x Madd Caesar: Oakland, Ohio
Vic Mensa: There's Alot Going On
Vic Mensa: The Autobiography
Vigilantee: No Jaangle Movement
V.I.Kings: V.I.Kings
Villebillies: Villebillies
Vince Staples: Shyne Coldchain Vol. 2
Vince Staples: Hell Can Wait
Vince Staples: Summertime '06
Vince Staples: Big Fish Theory
Vinnie Paz: Season of the Assassin
Vinnie Paz: God of the Serengeti
Vinnie Paz: Carry on Tradition
Vinnie Paz: The Cornerstone of the Corner Store
Vintage Imperial: Synergy
Vintage Tux: Hood Stories - A Tribute to the Trayvon Martins of the World
Romain Virgo: The System
Viro the Virus: The Sharpest Blade
Virtuoso: Evolution of the Torturer
Virtuoso: The Final Conflict
Virus Syndicate x Dope D.O.D.: Battle Royal
Visual: Figured it Out
VISUAL: Supreme Science
V.O. Caliber: My Ghostwriter Sucks
Voice: Gumbo
Volume 10: Hip-Hopera
Von Pea: The Further Adventures of Von Pea
Von Pea: Pea's Gotta Have It
Von Pea & Aeon: Duly Noted.
Von Pea & The Other Guys: I'm Good Luv, Enjoy
Vordul Mega: The Revolution of Yung Havoks
Vordul Mega: Megagraphitti
V Sinizter: Pale Horse: Requiem for the Darkness
V-Zilla: The Lockdown Sessions
Wade Waters: Dark Water
Wafeek: Monster Mixtape
Waka Flocka Flame: Flockaveli
Waka Flocka Flame: Triple F Life: Friends, Fans & Family
Wale: 100 Miles and Running Mixtape
Wale: The Mixtape About Nothing
Wale: Attention: Deficit
Wale & 9th Wonder: Back to the Feature
Wale: Ambition
Wale: The Gifted
Wale: The Album About Nothing
Wale Oyejide: One Day, Everything Changed
Walkingshoe: The Future Will Kill You
Wally Boy Wonder: Day of the Rising Tide
War: Greatest Hits Live
Wara from the NBHD: Kidnapped
Warren G: Regulate... G-Funk Era
Warren G: Take a Look Over Your Shoulder
Warren G: I Want it All
Warren G: The Return of the Regulator
Warren G: In the Mid-Nite Hour
Warrior: The Perfect Weapon
Wasaru: Sadtimes
Kamasi Washington: The Epic
Wastelands: Rules of Evolution
Watchmen: Wu-Tang Management Presents: Watchmen
Wax: Continue
Wax and E.O.M.: Liquid Courage
Wax Society: Compilation I
Wax Tailor: In the Mood for Life
WC: Ghetto Heisman
WC: Guilty by Affiliation
WC: Revenge of the Barracuda
The Weathermen: The Conspiracy
Nick Weaver: Yardwork
Webbie: Savage Life
Webbie: Savage Life 2
Webstar: Webstar Presents... Caught in the Web
Wee Bee Foolish: Brighton Beach Memoirs
Well: Dreamers
West Bound: West Bound
Kanye West: The College Dropout
Kanye West: Late Registration
Kanye West: Graduation
Kanye West: 808's & Heartbreak
Kanye West: My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Kanye West: G.O.O.D Music Presents Cruel Summer
Kanye West: Yeezus
Kanye West: The Life of Pablo
Kanye West: ye
Ray West & O.C.: Ray's Cafe
West Coast Mafia Gang: Gang Affiliated
Westside Connection: Bow Down
Westside Connection: Terrorist Threats
WestsideGunn: Hitler Wears Hermes Deluxe
Whatevski: Cult Classics
White Boy: No Gray Area
White Boys: On a Mission
White Collar Criminals: Invest-Mentality
The White House Band: Renaissance
White Mike: Famous
Whodini: Funky Beat: The Best of Whodini
Why?: Elephant Eyelash
Why?: Alopecia
Why?: One Dark Eskimo Remixes
Wildchild: Secondary Protocol
Wildchild: The Jackal EP
Wiley: See Clear Now
Wiley: 100% Publishing
Wiley: Evolve or Be Extinct
Wiley: The Ascent
Wiley: Godfather Must B 21 Songs About Girls #willpower
Billy Drease Williams: Good Evening Billy
Billy Drease Williams: Good Morning Amy
Saul Williams: Amethyst Rock Star
Saul Williams: Saul Williams
Saul Williams: The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust
Saul Williams: Volcanic Sunlight
Willie D: Controversy
Willie D: Loved by Few, Hated by Many
Willie the Kid: Absolute Greatness
Willie the Kid & Bronze Nazareth: The Living Daylights
Will Villainova: Devils in a Blue Dress
Will Vill: The Arrival
Willy Northpole: Tha Connect
Charlie Wilson: Uncle Charlie
Windimoto: The Travels of Windimoto
Wine-O: I Hear You Talking Behind My Back
Wisdom: Full Spectrum
Wise Intelligent: The Talented Timothy Taylor
Wise Intelligent: The Unconkable Djezuz Djonez
Wisemen: Wisemen Approaching
WITCH: Lazy Bones!!
Witchdoctor: The Diary of an American Witchdoctor
Witness: The Everafter LP
Wiz Khalifa: Show and Prove
Wiz Khalifa: Flight School
Wiz Khalifa: Rolling Papers
Wiz Khalifa: Taylor Allderdice
Wiz Khalifa: O.N.I.F.C.
Woo Child: Under Rated Over Achiever
Wordburglar: Burglaritis
Wordburglar: 3rdburglar
Wordburglar: Welcome to Cobra Island
Wordburglar: Rapplicable Skills
Wordburglar: Rhyme Your Business
Words Hurt: F#%# That Pretty Boy S#!t
Words Hurt: Soul Music for the Soulless
Wordsmith: King Noah
Wordsmith: The Blue Collar Recital
Wordsworth: Wordsworth EP (Promo)
Wordsworth: Mirror Music
Wordsworth: Mirror Music: The Deluxe Edition
Wordsworth: The Photo Album
Wordsworth & Donel Smokes: New Beginning
The World's Freshest & Mac Mall: Return of the Mac
The Worlds Freshest & J. Stalin: The Real World Part 4
Wreckx-N-Effect: Hard or Smooth
Wretch 32: Black and White
Wretch 32: Wretchercise
Richard Wright: Open Minded
Wu-Block: Wu-Block
Wugazi: 13 Chambers
Wu-Tang: Return of the Wu & Friends
Wu-Tang Clan: Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
Wu-Tang Clan: Wu-Tang Forever
Wu-Tang Clan: The W
Wu-Tang Clan: Iron Flag
Wu-Tang Clan: Disciples of the 36 Chambers - Chapter 1
Wu-Tang Clan: Legend of the Wu-Tang
Wu-Tang Clan: NY Exclusive
Wu-Tang Clan: 8 Diagrams
Wu-Tang Clan: Chamber Music
Wu-Tang Clan: Legendary Weapons
Wu-Tang Clan: A Better Tomorrow
Wu-Tang Productions: Killa Beez * The Sting
Wyclef Jean: The Carnival
Wyclef Jean: The Ecleftic
Wyclef Jean: Masquerade
Wyclef Jean: The Preacher's Son
Wyclef Jean: Welcome to Haiti Creole 101
Wyclef Jean: Carnival Vol. II - Memoirs of an Immigrant
Wyclef Jean: From the Hut, To the Projects, To the Mansion
Wyclef Jean: Carnival III: The Fall and Rise of a Refugee
Wyld Bunch: Unbreakable
Wyzaker: The Red Midnight
X-Clan: To the East Blackwards
X-Clan: Return From Mecca
X-Clan: Mainstream Outlawz
X-Con: Dirty Life
X-Ecutioners: Built From Scratch
X-Ecutioners: Scratchology
X-Ecutioners: Revolutions
XO: Monumental
XV: Overture
XV: Complex
XXXTentacion: ?
Xzibit: At the Speed of Life
Xzibit: 40 Dayz & 40 Nightz
Xzibit: Restless
Xzibit: Man vs Machine
Xzibit: Weapons of Mass Destruction
Xzibit: Full Circle
Xzibit: Napalm
Yaggfu Front: Action Packed Adventure
Yaggfu Front: The Secret Tapes
Weird Al Yankovic: Straight Outta Lynnwood
YC The Cynic: GNK
Yea Big + Kid Static: Yea Big + Kid Static
The Years: Vosotros Presents: The Years
Yelawolf: Radioactive
Yelawolf: Love Story
Yellowman: Young, Gifted and Yellow
Yesterdays New Quintet: Angles Without Edges
The Yes Yes Yalls: 9000
YG: My Krazy Life
YG: Still Brazy
Ying Yang Twins: Thug Walkin'
Ying Yang Twins: Me & My Brother
Ying Yang Twins: My Brother & Me
Ying Yang Twins: U.S.A.: United State of Atlanta
Ying Yang Twins: U.S.A. Chopped and Screwed Version
Ying Yang Twins: U.S.A.: Still United
Ying Yang Twins: Chemically Imbalanced
Ying Yang Twins: The Official Work
Y-Love: This Is Babylon
Y-Love: See Me
Yo Gotti: Back 2 Da Basics
Yo Gotti: Cocaine Music 2
Yo Gotti: January 10th (The Mixtape)
Yo Gotti: I Am
Yo Gotti: I Still Am
Young Blaze: Young Blaze
Young Blee: Island Boy
Young Bleed: Once Upon a Time in Amedica
Youngbloodz: Against Da Grain
Youngbloodz: Drankin' Patnaz
YoungBloodz: Ev'rybody Know Me
YoungBloodz: The Best of YoungBloodz: Still Grippin the Grain
Young Buck & D-Tay: Da Underground Vol. 1
Young Buck: Straight Outta Ca$hville
Young Buck: T.I.P.
Young Buck & DJ Drama: Case Dismissed
Young Buck: Buck the World
Young Chris: DJ Amir & DJ Omega Present Campaign for Change
Young Dolph: Thinking Out Loud
Young Dro: Best Thang Smokin'
Young General: Hip-Hop 4 Adults, Vol. 1
Young Gotti (Kurupt): Same Day, Different S--t
Young Gunz: Tough Luv
Young Gunz: Brothers From Another
Young Jawz: The Southwest
Young Jeezy: Let's Get It: Thug Motivation 101
Young Jeezy: The Inspiration
Young Jeezy: Young Jeezy Presents U.S.D.A.: Cold Summer
Young Jeezy: The Recession
Young Jeezy: TM:103 Hustlerz Ambition
Young Jeezy: Its Tha World
(Young) Jeezy: Seen It All: The Autobiography
(Young) Jeezy: Church In These Streets
Young Money: We Are Young Money
Young Money: Rise of an Empire
YoungOne: Let Me Live
Young Problemz: Da Problem (How's My Rapping?)
Young Rome: Food For Thought
Young Streets: Welcome 2 the Mob
Young Stunna: The Best of ME
Young Thug: Barter 6
Young Zee: Musical Meltdown
Young Zee & Mr. Green: One Crazy Weekend
Your Old Droog: The Nicest
Y-Society: Travel at Your Own Pace
yU: Before Taxes
yU: The Earn
Yukmouth: Thugged Out
Yukmouth: Godzilla
Yukmouth: Yukmouth Presents United Ghettos of America Vol. 2
Yukmouth: Million Dollar Mouthpiece
Yung Berg: Almost Famous - Sexy Lady EP
Yung Berg: Look What You Made Me
Yung Joc: New Joc City
Yung Joc: Hustlenomic$
Yung Lean: Unknown Memory
Yung Wun: The Dirtiest Thirstiest
Yuns: Storyteller
Yury: Curriculum Vitae
Yury: Still Life Mixtape
Yury: The Placebo Effect
Yy: Hold the Fort Down
YZ: The Best of YZ
Zane: The Big Zane Theory
Zeph & Azeem: Rise Up
Zero Star: Forever's Never Really That Long
Zero Star: Are We There Yet?
Zero Star: Don't Look Now
Zilla: The Book of Trill
Zimbabwe Legit: House of Stone
Zion I: Mind Over Matter
Zion I: Family Business Mixtape
Zion I: True & Livin'
Zion I & The Grouch: Heroes in the City of Dope
Zion I: The Takeover
Zion I: Atomic Clock
Zion I & The Grouch: Heroes in the Healing of the Nation
Zion I: ShadowBoxing
Zion I & Mikos Da Gawd: Stay Woke
Ziz: Man-Brook-Phil
Z-Man: Dope or Dog Food
Z-Man: Show Up, Shut Up, and Rap EP
Zomby: Dedication
Zomby: With Love
Z-Ro: Look What You Did to Me
Z-Ro: The Life of Joseph W. McVey
Z-Ro: Let the Truth Be Told
Z-Ro: I'm Still Livin
Z-Ro: Power
Z-Ro: I'm Still Livin' (Chopped & Screwed)
Z-Ro: Crack
Z-Ro: Heroin
Z-Ro: Meth
Z-Ro: The Crown
Z-Ro: Melting the Crown
Z-Ro: Drankin & Drivin
Z-Ro: No Love Boulevard
Z-Ro: Codeine
Z-Trip: Shifting Gears

15 Years of Duck Down Music
15 Years on Death Row - The Definitive Collection
16 Songs for 16 Days of Activism to Stop Violence Against Women
48th/49th Compilation Vol. 1
Aberfoyle Springs Compilation
Aberfoyle Springs Compilation Vol. 2: Well Flavoured Essentials
Africa Raps
Alt.Rap Presents Battle Mode
Alt.Rap Presents XIV: XIX (14 Emcees: 19 Tracks)
An Illect Recordings Christmas Recording
Arrakis Records Presents - The Spice Presents No Looking Back
Baby J
Bad Boy's 10th Anniversary... The Hits + DVD
The Bassments of Badmen - Volume 2
Bassments of Badmen 3
Battlehoggs Official Mixtape Volume 2
Battletown Presents - The EP's
The Bay Bridges Compilation
Beyond Faded
Big Boi Presents... Got Purp? Vol. II
The Biggest Ragga Dancehall Anthems 2011
Black Sunz
The Blastoff Compilation 2
Bleu Da Vinci Presents the World Is BMF's
A Blow to the State
Blow Your Head: Diplo Presents Dubstep
Bohemian Rap CD
Bomb Hip Hop Compilation, Vol. 2
Cam'Ron Presents DukeDaGod - DipSet: The Movement Moves On
Cash Money Records - 10 Years of Bling Vol. 2
Centrifugal Phorce Records Presents: Euphony
Christmas Rap
Chrome Children
Chrome Children Vol. 2
Coalmine Records Presents Unearthed
Code of the Streets
Cold Crush Kuts
Contents Under Pressure
Covers for Reggae Lovers
Crazy & Psychotic Volume I
Creative Juices Music Sampler #1
Creators: The Weight
Crunk and Disorderly
Crunk Classics
Crunk Hits
Crunk Hits, Vol. 2
Crunk Hits Vol. 3
Crunk Hits Vol. 4
Cue's Hip Hop Shop Vol. 1
Da Ambush: DA (Pure) Hip-Hop Compilation
Da Heavyweighters: Tilting the Scale
Dame Dash Presents Dream Team
Dat's Gospel Mixx
Dat's Gospel Mixx 2
Decon Presents Fresh Rhymes and Videotape
Deeper Concentration 3
Defenders of the Underworld
Definitive Jux Presents Vol. 2
Definitive Jux Presents III
Definitive Jux Presents IV
Definitive Swim
Def Jam Recordings Presents Music Inspired by Scarface
Dexter's Laboratory - The Hip-Hop Experiment
The Difference Vol. 1
Different Strokes by Different Folks
Dimension X: 2012
Doggy Style AllStars - Welcome to Tha House, Vol. 1
Down South Block Starz
Down South Bounce Vol. 2
Dreddy Kruger Presents... Think Differently Music: Wu-Tang Meets the Indie Culture
Droppen the Bomb
Dub Session Vol. 04 * Mix - Cheapshot
Duke Da God Presents Dipset - More Than Music, Vol. 2
East Coast Block Starz
Eastern Conference Records All Stars III
Ego Trip: The Big Playback
Enemy Soil - Free Sampler
Essential Underground Hip-Hop
EV Records Presents: Everything
Facts of War
Fallin' Off the Reel II
The Family Files Vol. 2
FD Presents - Holdin' it Down
Fishin' in Troubled Waters
Fly Girls! B-Boys Beware: Revenge of the Super Female Rappers!
The French Connection
Freshchest Prose presents Jabs and Cuts Vol. 1
Funkmaster Flex: Volume IV * The Mixtape
FunkMaster Flex: Car Show Tour
The Funky 16 Corners
Game Over
Gangsters & Strippers
Generation Bass Presents: Transnational Dubstep
Giant Single: The Profile Records Rap Anthology
Good Tunes for Two Bucks
Goodvibe Recordings 2001
Got Beats? Volume I
Got That Murdercore?
Grandpa Funnybook's Mix-Tapingly Arranged Rapping Song Album
Grandpa Funnybook's Mix-Tapingly Arranged Rapping Song Album 2
Grandpa Funnybook's Mix-Tapingly Arranged Rapping Song Album 3!
Greensleeves Rhythm Album #27 - Diwali Gold Edition
Hail the DJ
Halftooth Records Presents: You Don't Know the Half
Heavy Rotation
Heavy Sumosonic 8 - La Force Du Nombre
Hieroglyphics Imperium Summer 2012 Tour Mixtape
Hiero Imperium Presents The Building
Hiero Imperium presents The Corner
Hi Grade Ganja Anthems Volume 4
The Hip-Hop Cafe
Hip Hop Essentials, Vol. 1
Hip Hop Mix USA
HipHop World
Hokey Religions & Ancient Weapons
How the Midwest Was Won
The Human Element
Hyphy Hitz
ICM Records Presents - Legendary Gatherings
Illect Recordings: Mind the Rap Volume 3
Impulsive! Revolutionary Jazz Reworked
Inde Sessions Vol. 1
INDIEgo Hip-Hop Sampler
Instrumental Icons Volume 1 - Platinum Beats
Invisible Superstars Vol. 001
Irv Gotti Presents - The Inc
Jammy$ - From the Roots 1977-1985
J. Greede Presents - All About the Music Vol. 1
Johnny Cash Remixed
Jovonn the Last Don & DJ Suss.One Present The New N.Y.
J.R. Presents DPE
JT and Young Noble Present Street Warz
Kingsbridge Music Presents Independent & Underground Hip Hop Compilation Vol. 1
Koch Records September 2008 New Release Sampler
Koppsum'n Records Presents Time to Grind
Lake Entertainment Presents - The 41st Side
Life Before 40
Life, Music & Paper
Life Source Presents... The Package
Long Range Distribution 2009 Sampler
Tha Lost Koast Kollective
Love Bomb Soundclash
Lyricist Lounge Vol. 2
Lyricist Lounge - Dirty States of America
Machete Vox Presents Sneak Preview
Mello Music Group: Mandala Volume 1 - Polysonic Flows
Mello Music Group: Mandala Volume 2 - Today's Mathematics
Mello Music Group: Persona
Metabass 'N' Breath
Midwest Block Starz
Motown Remixed
Muggs Presents * Soul Assassins II
Mumbles Hip Hop Presents... "Strictly Underground"
Murdercore Rap: Evil Is... Vol. One
Murdercore Rap: Evil Is... Vol. Two
Music 4 All Cities
My Block - Chicago Presents – The Ear of New England Vol. 1
Never Not Fresh
The Next 24 Volume IV
No More Prisons
Okayplayer True Notes Vol. 1
One Million Strong
Out of Many: 50 Years of Jamaican Music
Palestine: The Album
Peanut Butter Wolf's Jukebox 45's
Persuasion of Art
A Piece of the Action
Planet Rap: A Sample of the World
Playing For Change
Pohectic: The Second Chapter
Pollen: The Swarm Part Three
Q.D. III Soundlab
Quannum Spectrum
QB Finest * Queensbridge: The Album
Ragga Ragga Ragga
Ragga Ragga Ragga 2010
Ragga Ragga Ragga 2012
Rappers to Riches
Rap Snibblets Brand, Vol. 2
Raps United Nations
Ras Kass Presents Re-Up - The Compilation
Rawkus Records - Best of Decade I (1995-2005)
Raw Materials - Joints from the UK Hip Hop Underground
Reality Raps
Rebel Radio
Red Star Sounds Presents Def Jamaica
Reggae Gold 2007
Reggae Gold 2010
Reggae Golden Jubilee - Origins of Jamaican Music
Reggae's Gone Country
The Restless Natives (A Tribute to the Victims of Hurricane Katrina)
Return of the DJ Vol. 3
Return of the DJ Vol. 4
Return of the DJ Vol. 5
Riddimentary: Diplo Selects Greensleeves
The Roc Files Volume 1
Rock It... Don't Stop It!
Roll Wit Tha Flava
The Roots Present
Rope Ladder 12
RMHH Vol. 2
Ruff Ryders Vol. 1
Ruff Ryders Vol. 2
Ruff Ryders Volume 4: The Redemption
School of Emceeing – Volume 1
Scion Sampler V. 16
Scion Sampler V. 18
Set Mi Free
Shady XV
Snoop Dogg Presents 'The Big Squeeze'
Soca Gold 2009
SoleSides Greatest Bumps
Solidified Relations
So So Def Bass All-Stars Vol. II
Soul 7
The Source Presents FAT TAPE - Volume One
Soundbombing 2
Soundbombing 3
Sounds of New York, U.S.A. Volume 1
The Source: Hits From the Vault
Southwest Riders - The Double Album
State Property Presents The Chain Gang Vol. II
Stones Throw 101 (CD + DVD)
Street Heat - Brick Squad Monopoly & Mizay Entertainment
Strictly the Best Volume 44
Strictly the Best Volume 45
Sweatpants 'n' D-bo's
Target Practice
Terminal 3 Presents The Academy
Times, Rhymes & Beats
Tommy Boy Presents: Hip Hop Roots
Too Gangsta For Radio
Trampled: The Elefant Traks Remix Album
True Crime - Streets of LA
Tunnel Rats Present - Underground Rise Vol. 1
The Ultimate Soca Gold Collection
Underground Hip-Hop Volume 02
Underground Hip-Hop Volume 5
Underground Hip-Hop Volume 07
Underground Hip-Hop Volume 9
Underground Overstood
Under Pressure Presents Up North Trip Vol. 2
Uni-Fi Records Mixtape Vol. 1
Uprok Records Mixtape Volume One
Urban Renewal Program Supplement 1.5
URBNET Certified Vol. 1
URBNET Certified Vol. 3
URBNET Underground Hip-Hop, Vol. 8
URBNET Summer 2016 Sampler
The Very Best of Death Row
Violator the Album V2.0
Voices From the Frontline
Voices - WWE the Music Volume 9
Waterworld Too * N.W.W.O.
Weightless Records: B-Sides Volume One
We Remember Gregory Isaacs
West Coast Block Starz
West Coast Rap: The First Dynasty, Vol. 1-3
Wild'N Out Compilation Vol. 1
Wu-Chronicles Chapter II
WWE: Wreckless Intent
WWE The Music: Volume 8
WWF Aggression
XXL Raps Volume 1

The Allies: D-Day
DJ Craze: Crazee Musick
DJ Def Cut: Return to Burn
DJ Logic: The Anomaly
DJ T-Rock: Sikinthehed
Jeep Beat Collective: Technics Chainsaw Massacre
PhonosychographicDISK: Ancient Termites
Shortee: The Dreamer
Turntables by the Bay
Urban Revolutions

Singles File Vol. 001
Singles File Vol. 002
Singles File Vol. 003
Singles File Vol. 004
Singles File Vol. 005
Singles File Vol. 006
Singles File Vol. 007
Singles File Vol. 008
Singles File Vol. 009
Singles File Vol. 010
Singles File Vol. 011
Singles File Vol. 012
Singles File Vol. 013
Singles File Vol. 014
Singles File Vol. 015
Singles File Vol. 016
Singles File Vol. 017
Singles File Vol. 018
Singles File Vol. 019
Singles File Vol. 020
Singles File Vol. 021
Singles File Vol. 022
Singles File Vol. 023
Singles File Vol. 024
Singles File Vol. 025
Singles File Vol. 026
Singles File Vol. 027
Singles File Vol. 028
Singles File Vol. 029
Singles File Vol. 030
Singles File Vol. 031
Singles File Vol. 032
Singles File Vol. 33&1/3: The Final Chapter

2 Fast 2 Furious Soundtrack
3 Strikes Soundtrack
8 Mile Soundtrack
All or Nothing Soundtrack
Any Given Sunday Soundtrack
Bad Boys II Soundtrack
BarberShop 2 - Back in Business
Beat Street Soundtrack
Be Cool Soundtrack
Big Ballers Soundtrack
Black Mask Soundtrack
Black Panther - The Album
Blade Trinity Soundtrack
Bones Soundtrack
Boyz n the Hood Soundtrack
Brown Sugar Soundtrack
Cappadonna's Iron Fist Pillage Soundtrack
Coach Carter Soundtrack
Colors Soundtrack
The Corruptor Soundtrack
Cradle 2 the Grave Soundtrack
Dysfunktional Family Soundtrack
Fantastic 4 Soundtrack
The Fast and the Furious Soundtrack
The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift
Fresh - Music Inspired By the Film
Gangsta Rap: The Glockumentary Soundtrack
Get Rich or Die Tryin' Soundtrack
Getting Up (Contents Under Pressure) Soundtrack
Grand Theft Auto Vice City O.S.T. - Volume 5: Wildstyle Pirate Radio
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Official Soundtrack
The Harder They Come Soundtrack
High School High Soundtrack
House Party Soundtrack
Hustle & Flow Soundtrack
Juice Soundtrack
The Land in Between Soundtrack
Liberty City Invasion - Music From and Inspired by Grand Theft Auto IV
The Life and Times of Abdullah the Butcher Soundtrack
The Longest Yard Soundtrack
The Man With the Iron Fists Soundtrack
Music From the Motion Picture Judgment Night
New Jack City Soundtrack
Notorious Soundtrack
The Nutty Professor Soundtrack
Nutty Professor II: The Klumps
On the Ropes Soundtrack
Oz Soundtrack
Paid in Full Soundtrack
Rev. Do-Wrong Soundtrack
Rhyme & Reason Soundtrack
Romeo Must Die Soundtrack
Rush Hour 2 Soundtrack
RZA Presents: Afro Samurai - The Soundtrack
Samurai Champloo: Music Record Katana
Save the Last Dance Soundtrack
Snakes on a Plane - The Album
Soul in the Hole Soundtrack
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Soundtrack
State Property Soundtrack
Stomp the Yard Soundtrack
Training Day Soundtrack
Tupac Resurrection Soundtrack
Undisputed Soundtrack
The Wackness Soundtrack
Waist Deep Soundtrack
The Wash Soundtrack
Wild Style Soundtrack

4-Octagon: Brooklyn 4 Life CD-5
Major Force: Re-Return of the Original Art Form 12"
Mix Master Mike: Suprize Packidge CD-5
Tony-O: PhD. CD-5

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